Yesterday I was out shopping with Suzanne, I had to get the ingredients to make cupcakes for Mali's baby shower. I was a little hungry, and had some good coupons, so I bought a few jars of baby food. Pumpkin, apples, cinnamon, lemon juice were the only ingredients in this little jar I picked up...oh yum. Yeah, I ate a jar of baby food in the Aldi parking lot before we ran in there for lemons. I didn't have a spoon, but I DID have a straw. Suzanne just made faces. I also had some salt and pepper cashews, but not too many. Aldi has good prices on nuts.
Dinner: burgers on the grill with sliced dill pickles, steamed asparagus, and some mini peppers. mmmm.
This morning I have wasted an UnGodly amount of time looking/shopping online for a bathing suit. They are close to impossible to find in stores, those big suits. Online of course it's hard to tell because they are all modeled on these shapely small ladies who are no way a size 18. When I find one I like, I scrutinize it,mentally add in a few rolls of back fat, picture me leaning over in it to help the kids dig a hole...and skip on to the next one. I avoid the Old Lady Suits like the know, the ones with the huge flowers. And they're expensive! Lots are over a hundred, some close to two. For a bathing suit! My own trusty black suit which I love was one dollar at the dollar store, when they had those bins of suits from Target. Brand new, one dollar. It's getting stretched out and baggy, and isn't very flattering, so I am thinking it's time for a new one, but I don't know. I did bid on one on ebay, so I have to wait 'til that ends before I order one, or it would be just my luck that I would win and have two suits coming in the mail.
The kids are busy this morning painting at the kitchen table. I have cupcakes to bake, and laundry to do. School is almost over for my two girls who go to real school, and my homeschool kids are down to just reading books, and doing some multiplication every day. I want to keep them reading and learning all summer. We don't, as a rule, go on tablets and computers and watch things during the day unless we are looking something up, and by WE I don't mean ME, I get to blog and read the news.
The other night, Jonathan knocked the bottle of olive oil from the shattered all over the tile mixed with olive oil. His first reaction was, "Who's the idiot who left this near the edge of the counter?!" My first reaction was, "Jonathan!!!". He countered with, "Don't blame me, it's not my fault!" I told him I don't care who's fault it is (it was mine), it doesn't matter. phew. I just cared that I wanted to eat dinner, and there was a huge dangerous mess, not the kind you can leave for later. Paul and Evelyn both found pieces of glass I missed, the hard way, but thankfully not too badly. And I pride myself on Getting All The Broken Glass.
So my new steam mop came in handy, after the clean up, to get the remnants of oil off the floor.
My brother stopped over yesterday with some strawberries, grown right on the edge of town, and sold at a Mennonite stand. oh yum. They beat the ones shipped from Florida, hands down. We might just have to go strawberry picking.
We have tickets for a theme park in the Adirondacks!!! Free, from homeschooling! I signed up a few months ago, and I got a free ticket too! Not for the older kids, just 13 and under, but still. The older kids don't care anyway. Paul and I are going to take them, we'll only have to buy a ticket for him, and I have a ten dollar off coupon for that:)....we'll probably camp somewhere, and go from the campsite. We rarely did theme parks when the older kids were little, except for a few years when this one place in western New York had this deal at the end of the year...$30 per carload...our car was a fifteen passenger van, and yes, it was $2 each for admission:) They don't do that promotion any more.
Summer is upon us, and I want time to just sloooooow down. I am almost fifty, and life is speeding by....

This is me happy, grilling burgers last night...
Have you tried the Woman Within website? That's where I order my pants from b/c I like theirs, and they have bathing suits, and all sorts of stuff. Check clearance too, b/c they have some good prices.
I read all the time...have forever and have never left a comment. I love reading about your busy, happy life.
As a "big" you have a K-Mart in your area? They have the best bathing suits ever...and they stay looking good for years. Just a thought.
Any loss is better than a gain......:-) I dropped a HUGE bottle of olive oil in the store a few years ago and it smashed right there in the aisle.......ooooopsie! What a mess!! I was mortified. But they were as nice as pie, told me not to worry, and they spread lots sawdust all over it, waited for it to absorb, swept it up and washed the floor. It was a mess though. I hope all the cupcakes turned out beautifully. You will have to post some photos. Have fun at the party :-)
Marilyn from Canada
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