summer 2011

summer 2011

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

snow day!!!

But yesterday was NOT a snow day! We went to the childrens' museum!

Miss Char and Miss Cam in the butterfly garden...

Miss Mali Rose with Lydia Eleanor...

Lyddie Lydster...

There was an old woman,
Who lived in a shoe,
She had so many children,
She didn't know what to do.
But they grew up and away,
So to the museum of play,
She went with only two.

(Charlotte Claire took the picture) (And my #7 child came with me, with little Lydia:))

This is the optical illusion house that makes you look smaller. Hmm.

We had a nice day, it was a far cry from the old days when I dragged 12 or 15 kids through that museum...or rather they dragged me. Stopping to nurse the baby...oh good times. My two little girls are angels, they didn't complain a bit that we were rather on Miss Lydia's schedule...she got a bit tired, so we just left instead of pushing it. In the old days, we couldn't always be so accomodating of nap time, there were the rest of the kids to consider. How oh how did we manage, I do wonder.

It was a really pleasant day with though.

And today, snow day!!!

The big tree has started to bud, and is now covered in snow. The wind is picking up, and it's chilly.

Homemade cinnamon rolls happened, Evelyn and I made them. Can you say the word, "bliss"? Can you guess who strayed from their low carb lifestyle? uh huh. With hot coffee, with Emily here to visit, with kids home from school because of the blizzard swirling around the house...Em got out of work early, she works as a nurse in the city at the hospital, but today she was working at a dr. office in the small city, clinical for her future degree as a Nurse Practitioner. The office closed early, so she stopped in.

So coziness happened so far today.

Last evening, dear Evelyn grilled burgers for us, out in the dark windy evening, on the deck.

My dinner...oh heavenly yumminess.

This fine day I talked to my son Samuel from Washington D.C., then to my son Aaron from California. It was 40 degrees in D.C., and 65 in California. harrumph.

This fine day started too early, again, thank you Dukester. 6:11, on a snow day! After the dogs went out, came in, had a treat...I dragged Duke down to my room, and he snuggled right nicely into Paul's side of the bed. He slept there until almost nine o'clock, which is just what the doctor ordered, ha. I have felt so sleep deprived. Evelyn already had the coffee on and the cinnamon bun recipe out when I got out of the comfy bed.

Now it's time to think about making dinner...

1 comment:

Marilyn from Canada said...

What a lovely time you had at the museum 🤗 Little Lydia is a doll, isn't she? Sooooooo cute. I'm sorry you are having that horrible snow there again. We saw on the news how awful it is!! We have 96 today.........almost too hot actually, but I'm not complaining because all too soon we will be heading home to cold again 😥😥 Looks like Duke is enjoying himself on the bed 😂😂😂 Dear old boy. Keep warm and hopefully the nice weather will return soon.

Marilyn from Canada.