And, they are fat.
Oh well. I honestly DO have better things to do this morning than compare Little People. But oh, weren't the older ones so nice?
Let's see, what's new here?
1. Our swimming pool is almost clear. Almost. It hasn't stopped us from enjoying it, of course, the fact that we cannot yet see our feetsies, but clear is nice.
2. Mali came over last night. Today is her very last clinical, and she is done done done with Nursing School! She starts her new job as an Registered Nurse next week.
Never mind the list. I woke up in the wee hours of the morning, checked the time, ugh. Way too early. I tried to fall back to sleep, but I kept thinking of important things like, OH MY GOODNESS, did I let the girls' free Happy Meal certificates from the school reading program EXPIRE? (no, they are still good to the end of the month).
I have been really headache-y lately. Mixture of sinus/tension/migraine...if there is such a thing. My ears are cloggy, I get dizzy when I turn my head too fast, and my head pounds when I lean over. It is almost impossible to work out when I am like this, but oh the excuses, they want to grow and flourish and take over. I haven't been walking because it hurts my knee, and I just feel blah. I am tempted to feel so sorry for myself that it's just so hard to exercise because it hurts my knee, and oh my pounding head....but. I can either sit here and cry about it, or get up and do what I can do. I KNOW I feel better when I exercise regularly. I know that. So today, I will take that walk, and I will swim in the pool, I will lift my weights. Today, I will. I don't know why I fall into these funks, but the only way out is to just get out, not to wait until I feel like it.
It is no fun to be an inherently lazy person. I love to read and relax and watch the sunset. I am in no particular hurry, and can while away the hours. Wait, I was only kidding, it is fun!
But today, the time has come to get this house into shape, and once I get going, I can do amazing things:)
Lest you think I am REALLY REALLY lazy, consider that I have already swept floors and washed dishes and counters and sorted laundry, and of course made sure six kids were dressed okay (it's more fun to close your finger in a drawer than to argue with a teenage girl about whether or not her skirt is too short. Because believe me, it is. And she does not think it is. It is even more fun when her sisters join in, whether for me or against me, it is just more fun.)Anyway, those six kids went out the door all dressed (nicely), fed breakfast, and with lunches. Except for Margaret, she has a Regents exam today, so will be home for lunch. She got to drive to school:)
I took the dogs out, put chlorine in the pool and backwashed the filter, skimmed out some more of those nice cottonwood fluffies, and fed the dogs. I remembered to send Sunkist Fruit Snacks with Camille for her class, even though oops, her snack day was the other day, she said her teacher had some for that day and I could send some in for extras, oops. How can I even show my face at school, the Mom Who Forgets Snack Day?
Ah well, a day late and a dollar short, as my mom used to say.
I am here to comment on the "fat" Little People. I totally agree with everything you said, even the part about the cranky kid being called "Butch". That was his name. He came with that name just like "Panhead" came with his.
I do not like the newer fatter Little People either.
We even have "fat" round Little People" We called one "Farmer Fat" because he was large. My husband didn't like us calling him fat...
The fatter Little People cannot sit in chairs, on couches, or even use the potty. They have to drive specially made cars, and live in specially made houses. They do not need me to wrap my hands around their bodies in order to use my thumb and forefinger for arms and hands. They already have arms and hands and besides, my hands don't wrap around them quite as nicely because they are... well... fatter. (The people that is, not my hands, although they are fatter too.)
Okay, that is all for Little People. Now I must read the remainder of your post.)
Headaches. At this time of year I take an antihistamine, a decongestant (like generic Musinex), and find myself a bottle of Nasonex. That seems to keep the sinus issues at bay, and if I still find a struggle in my aching muscles, I take ibuprofen.
Being lazy can be fun, I have to agree, though I do wish sometimes I was one of those incredibly energetic souls. However, I do think that having multitudes of children often skews our perception of what should be accomplished in a day and makes parking our posterior in a chair or plopping down for a nap feel unaccomplished.
I think you are incredibly amazing, by the way.
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