summer 2011

summer 2011

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Sunday, June 5, 2016

the saturdays of summer...#childhood

Yesterday was Saturday. All of the older kids had plans, they were gone from early morning to late at night. That left Paul and I home with only the two little girls...and the four year old twins, Sebastian and Linnea and their 7 year old brother Will. (Their mom and dad went on the day hike with my older kids).

Paul had things to do and places to go, (he bought a truck, yay!) it was like the old, and lots of small children.

And it was glorious.

The day was like one of those where you almost pinch yourself because, could it really be this nice out? Not too hot, but warm and sunny, with a lovely breeze. The kids played dollhouse. They played house. They colored. They had sno cones (I have an industrial sized sno cone maker on my kitchen table, Paul and I bought it years ago to make sno cones for church events, and I brought it home for the summer..) one point, they were playing "zoo". Four of them were on the trampoline, and Camille, who cannot go on the trampoline because of that pesky broken ankle, was the zookeeper. She had dishes of food, like bowls of water with leaves floating in them, and it was feeding time, when I was out there making sure they weren't playing with matches or knives.

They played on the swings, and we went in the pool a few times. We had sno cones again. I grilled chicken on the deck, and we ate outside. Sebastian assured me that he did not like chicken, but once he had one little taste, he decided he actually did like it. He ate seconds and thirds.

At the beginning of the day, I talked to my girls about electronics...and we agreed: no games, no tablets, phones, movies, ect. It was going to be an outside day.

It was around dinner time when I realized that the twins usually take a nap. oops. It never occurred to me to have them lie down, and they probably wouldn't have fallen asleep here anyway, but still. I felt bad because they were just little Energizer Bunnies all day long, and probably were falling apart when they got home.

The day was not without trials, of course, no day is. There was a large splashy drink spill, and a few squabbles.

And in the afternoon I left for a bit, when Paul returned home, to go to a bridal shower for my nephew's fiance. I came back with some little packets of mints, party favors, for Camille-the-zookeeper to feed to her animals in the zoo.

By the time our little visitors were in their carseats and on the way home, my older kids were pouring the door, telling about their day at the park. Jon fished and got one bite but didn't catch anything. They hiked and had a huge cookout, and way too much fun.

Oh, the blissful days of summertime. Today we are having a rainy day, with thunderstorms later on. I would like to stay in bed and read all day, but someone had to get up and take the dogs out, feed them, wash dishes and wipe down counters, throw a load of towels in the wash, and put some beef in the crockpot for dinner. I got up early so I could eke out some quiet time, then found myself doing all sorts of chores, so I just ditched the sweeping and sat in my comfy chair to write. I hear footsteps and doors opening, so....

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