summer 2011

summer 2011

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Thursday, December 19, 2024

it's not getting done!

 Well, I can only blame myself, I set out to stay home and get things done, then Kathryn texts that she's going out and about, and off I go.  The kids were hilarious today.  They went to Lights On The Lake last evening, and there were lights depicting a scene from The Wizard of Oz.  Achilles had questions about flying monkeys, which led to me explaining the entire movie plot.  Questions beget more questions, he wants to watch that movie now.  He just turned five last week.  

Who on earth would buy a giant Mickey Mouse?  The kids liked it.

Jamie really liked it.  Kathryn found what she was looking for, I found a few last minute gifts.  She brought our bags out to the car, and Achilles with her, I carried Jamison over to Target while holding Rhys' hand.  I had to ask her to hold on to my coat, as Jamie is NOT a one-arm carry.  

Target was fun too, the kids were happy and it wasn't very crowded.  I didn't get too much, but I did notice I had this coupon:  
Hmmmm...I already had some chocolates, heavy cream, a few gifts in my cart, may as well make it eighty, right?   Kathryn went in line behind me and added an item, so it was well over $80.  The coupon didn't come off at the register, so I went over to the service desk.  The lady there said you have to read the terms and conditions, you must have something not included.  Seriously, I have to read the small print?  It just says $15 off $80, no where on there does it say certain items are not included.   Of course I was nice about it.  She took her merry sweet time going over the fine print, then, Ah ha, you cannot buy "dairy milk", and you have heavy cream, that's it!  She pushed the receipt towards me, and smiled bigly.  I smiled back and asked if the manager was in.  

He didn't give me any trouble, just a gift card for $15.  

I am not out to make trouble.  I am not out to cheat anyone.  But if the store has a promotion, for goodness sake, don't act like I'm trying to steal something.  

Out into the cold snowy day, and into the car.  I buckled Jamie, Kathryn buckled Achilles and Rhys...then I remembered that Paul wanted me to get a can of tomato paste.  Kathryn so nicely dropped me off right in front of the store to go get it.  Do you know how far it seems to go back and get that when you are in a hurry?  I can't buy just one thing, so I grabbed two, and a package of pepperoni too, that was right beside it.   :)

Home...ahh, home.  I got right to work, after putting my stuff away.  Wrapping presents.  I think I am all done, except for Margaret's birthday present.  

I did not get the meatballs made, nor did I get Miss Charlotte Claire's room vacuumed, but all of her bedding is washed and her bed mostly made.  Okay, some of the bedding is here in the living room on a chair.  I'll get to it.  I did make a five pound pan of fudge though!  I almost forgot about that.  

Tomorrow, pool....then all those other things...then Miss Char comes home, yay!!!!

I was telling Camille how complicated it used to be to wrap presents.  I would wrap for the older kids when they were in school, the younger kids after they were in bed, ect.  

Everything was harder back then, (except for leaning over, standing too long, walking long distances, but we won't talk about THAT, ha).  But, everything was a bit more fun, too.  I mean, I still point out the pretty Christmas lights to Camille, and shh, she's not jumping up and down like little kids do...that's why the grandkids are so much fun.  

Next year, I want to do a huge Secret Santa, with everyone except the grandkids in it.  I can just buy things for all of them, then one SS gift, plus for the kids who are home, and Paul.  That sounds super simple, because phew, I seriously wrapped a lot of stuff.  

The drink cups with straws for the grandkids, except for the three one-year-olds, Denzel, Blythe, and Maeve.  Jamie gets one because he's almost two, in March.  I wrote their names on them in Sharpie, they can drink out of them on Christmas Eve.

Anyway, I am sitting here with one purring Old Kitty on the arm of my chair, feet up and covered in a soft Christmas tree blanket, tree lights on, football on with the volume muted, just relaxing and enjoying it all.  Paul made beef stew in the crockpot today, so I didn't have to stop wrapping to made dinner.  (It was really good!) 

Have a nice night!  


Anonymous said...

Who on earth would buy a giant Mickey Mouse? My son and daughter-in-law bought one for 50% off at Sam’s Club for our first grandchild. They couldn’t resist because Mickey’s Clubhouse was my grandson’s favorite show. That was 15 years ago! My how time flies. Personally, I’m not a fan of the mouse, or his shows, but giant Mickey is still around and still a favorite of all the children.

16 blessings'mom said...

See, this is why I love comments, ever mind expanding. If one of my kids or grandkids loved Mickey (Achilles actually does), and it was 50% off, well, I would be one of those "who on earth" people. But that is a huge-0 stuffy! :)

Anonymous said...

We don't have a giant Mickey, but we do have a giant Winnie the Pooh that we inherited from my mom, who inherited it from the family she babysat when I was in college. So it is old, but still in good shape, because what do you do with it but sit it in the corner of the playroom ha ha. My two youngest girls 6+8 yo love it.