summer 2011

summer 2011

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

my favorite store...

 ...this fine morning, I rallied Miss Cam to accompany me on some adventures.  We first went to my favorite store, the Amazon warehouse place.  On Tuesdays, their bins feature four dollar items.  Most of the things are just brown Amazon boxes with no description, and you're not allowed to open the boxes unless you bring them to the main table, where a guy will tape them back up after you look in them.  Well, all the guys seem really busy, so we didn't do that, and being rule abiding girls, we didn't peek in any at the bins, but we found some bargains anyway.  (if the boxes are already open of course we peek!)  I got a new duvet cover, French linen, with a top sheet that snaps onto it.  It sells for:  $399.  Seriously.  I didn't know this when I threw it in the cart, just thought it seemed soft, ha.  Camille got a nice new hamper, I got a GI Joe, a coffee mug with a plug in heated base, and a set of two Malacasa baking dishes (the big one was missing, supposed to be three), but regulary $54, for four bucks, not bad, and I think they are adorable. 

We also found an adorable pink floral sleeping bag, and I gave it to Ruth.  

A quick stop at the grocery store, I just ran in and got some donuts (three in one box for Wulf, Ten, Blythe, four in the other box for Camille, Grant, Ruth, share with Grace:)), and a few other things.  Then to Little Casear's for a pepperoni pizza...this is the sad tree they had...

Then, to Margaret's house for a bit.  She works full time, from home, so she was a bit busy, but the kids loved seeing us.  I dropped off some cute things I had gotten from the thrift store, and the donuts, and after bit, we left and went to Sam and Grace's house to play with Grant and Ruth and Maeve.  We brought them the pizza, which disappeared quickly.  We played snakes and ladders, and they got out all the pillows and blankets and made a big pile to jump in. 
Grant and Ruth, Maeve was still napping.

Then, it was time to get going, we stopped for coffee, then drove to pick up a prescription, then home....ahh, home.  Miss Kathryn came over for a visit with Achilles, Rhys, and Jamie! 

Our tree has been played with by grandchildren, ha.
Kathryn and her little ones.

We had a nice dinner, steak fried in the iron skillet, rice for the kids, and some Asian salad.  Jonathan made peanut butter cookies for his friend Sebastian's birthday, and left some here, but I didn't have any.  Oh ho the house smelled so good...I decided to bake some more chocolate chip from the dough I have in the refrigerator.   

After Kathryn left with three tired children, me sending Rhys with a Fancy Nancy Christmas book that Sonja loved when she was little, and a little stuffed snowman with Achilles, I decided to frost some cookies.  There are only a few left of the ones I baked last week and froze.  So...I need to make more, again!  

One more big batch of regular sugar cut outs, and one more batch of gingerbread cut outs.  And the fudge, if I get to it.  I still have so many things to wrap...I'd like to say I'll do it tomorrow, but tomorrow is looking a bit full...pool, then to a friend's house for a lunch gathering...maybe when I get home, I'll get some things done.  Miss Charlotte Claire is coming home from Germany on Friday, her room isn't quite ready for her yet.  

Anyway, it has been a busy, grandchildren filled day, I saw nine of them today!  phew!  I need to go pack up the cookies I frosted, so Suri doesn't have a feast tonight, and get myself to bed.  Our pool time is an hour earlier because the elementary school kids are using the pool at our usual time, and we don't really want to share the locker room.  

Ah well.  I'm glad I had some downtime this evening, I WAS going to go ahead and make those cookie doughs, but nah, just couldn't.  I told Camille that ten years ago, I would have.   

Life is good though, I am a very thankful girl.  Have a good night.


Mari said...

I would love to have that store near me, but it might be dangerous!
Sounds like you had a great day!

Anonymous said...

My husband and I's first tree came from Odd Lots and looked just like that Little Caesars tree! Maybe they will get around to decorating it? Merry Christmas and I hope you get everything wrapped 🎁