summer 2011

summer 2011

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Friday, January 31, 2025

can you say "achy"?

 The other day, I mentioned to the deep water swim instructor that the water exercise seems to help my arthritic knees.  She asked if I felt okay otherwise.  Um, no, I do not. Well, I ache all over and have crampy muscles.  She looked surprised, and said that was too bad.  She is probably 15 years older than I am.  She obviously does NOT have achy crampy muscles.  hmmm.  

Last evening after painting for a few hours, I was a hurtin' unit, as we used to say back in the eighties or nineties.  

Fast forward to this morning in the pool, ahhh, the of the ladies there mentioned that both her sister and her mother have ALS, Lou Gherig's Disease.  One is wheelchair bound, one can still walk a little bit, both are happy and still do as much as they can, optimistic.  We all have our things, this lady said.  This is so true.  We all have our things.  It was one of those really AH HA moments for me.  I just have to do what I can do, and be thankful.  :)

So after the pool, we dove back in to the painting.  Camille is the roller and the go-up-on-the-ladder and reach the hard spots girl.  I am the trim lady, the cutter-in-er, with the tiny little roller for under the cabinets and the doorways.  (The doorways are a mystery, do we paint them or leave them the living room color?  We chose paint, because ha they needed paint!)

If you would like to see my view from my chair, voila.  A ladder in the doorway.  Cam went driving (Darius is teaching her), so I painted all the trim I could reach, and am taking a break.   She knocked down the aloe plant with the long handle of the paint roller, dirt all over the place...oh well, the plant is salvageable and I vacuumed up the dirt.  
It looks like dumpity dump ville, but it's just because we had to move so much stuff from the kitchen into here, and there are dishes in the drain.  Shh, there are a few in the sink too.  I painted for so long yesterday afternoon, then had some leftover chicken pot pie, which I had made for dinner on Wednesday, and some of the Costco chicken, put things away, rinsed the dishes, and haven't washed them yet.  I never have dirty dishes in my sink, I keep up with them, do not like dirty dishes in the sink, at all.  But I was too tired to do them last evening, and didn't ask Cam because she was painting with me right up until she left for Norwegian lessons.  Paul put the handle pulls on that thing with the baskets I painted last week, when things get cleaned up, I'll post the After picture.

Anyway.  I will wander back into the kitchen and wash up those dishes, clear up the counters a little bit, and get things ready to put back together.  We are almost finished painting...Cam has some more rolling to do.  So far we have paint left, bought only the one gallon, cross your fingers!

The bathroom is next on our list.   We have a new vanity top, a new vanity base, and will get new faucets, as one is broken.  We'll paint it first, because why not?  And, remove the blue tile floors and probably put this waterproof LVP because we have some left.  Camille has a pinterest board with bathrooms, and all sorts of ideas.  :)

I am enjoying my break, there's nothing like a little work to make the comfy chair extra comfy.   

My hope is that we get all the painting finished today, I get the curtains hung, everything put back where it goes, and it looks absolutely fantastic.  :)

Have a really good day.

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