summer 2011

summer 2011

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Saturday, February 1, 2025

just a teeny little before and after!!!!

 In the midst of putting the room back together after painting, I present:  The Thing With The Baskets Under It:  Before: 

And After!   (I had to spackle and fill, and sand the place where the knob was, and Paul drilled the new holes for the two-screw pulls). I sanded the top down, got rid of the orange-ness, sanded the rest just a bit, then two coats of primer, two coats of Sherwin Williams Biscuit urethane trim enamel.)
You can see the new wall color's Aged White now, my son-in-law said, Just like you, Della.  :)

The painting is done.  The kitchen is in absolute shambles.  There is paint to be put away, a brush soaking in a glass of water, a roller with the paint rolly thing stuck on it, the ladder leaning against the wall, and all the wall hangings on the tables.  Then, to add insult to injury, Paul just left to drive Cam to work, and they came in with stuff that was in the car, and dumped it all in the I the only one who gets home from shopping and can't carry everything in?  So the big box of ziplock baggies and the giant detergent, and the several-everal Christmas gifts for the grandkids for next year?  

Oh dear.  I'm fortifying myself to get up and do some more work, but Old Kitty is here with me purring, and my coffee is good, and I have a blanket over my feet.  Paul took down the ceiling fan blades to clean, I said I would paint those before he put them back up.  I painted them gray a few years ago when everyone was painting everything gray.  

You can see the ceiling fan in this pic of the shambles.  Our ceilings need painting too, but ugh!  It is never ending.  I think maybe one day we'll get it all finished, then we'll die.  ha.  It will never really get done.  But that's okay.  It's not really the most important thing anyway, but it keeps us busy and it's in our nature to make our surroundings nice, isn't it?  To make our homes homey.  

I do have so many more things to blab about today, but I am going to cut it short and get busy.  We have plans this afternoon, going out to dinner with Evelyn and Nate, then probably having the family over tomorrow, so I need to get these shambles unshambled.  We got lots of beautiful new snow overnight, it's absolutely beautiful outside...anyway, have a really nice day!


Mari said...

Hooray for the painting being done. And you'll get the shambles taken care of, I know!
I love, love, love what how the table turned out. It looks like new!

16 blessings'mom said...

Thank you, Mari, I love it too. I was so unsure, that second guessing came on strong when I started sanding it...then putting on the primer, what was I doing? I think wood is sort of sacred, the holy grail of furniture, and to paint it is almost scary. :)

Cindy said...

That table is beautiful! I love the two-tone look.

Carol said...

The table is beautiful and looks like a different table.