summer 2011

summer 2011

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

rare moment of quiet...

Mirielle is here too, so I am not actually Home Alone. But she is in her room studying. I just got in from taking Miss Suri out for a romp around the yard. She likes playing Chase Around The Pine Tree, and is not easily fooled. I can double back, but she learns quickly to expect it, and can change directions and head the other way.

The kids ate their chicken stew and headed out the door to activity club. Mali came home from her college dorm to visit for the night, so she went too. I didn't have to drive. Paul had to go to dinner with his colleagues from afar, who are visiting his work to do a project. So here I am.

I made a quick batch of chocolate cookies for them to take with them...a box of brownie mix, a box of chocolate cake mix stirred into a stick of butter which was whipped up with the mixer with two eggs. Quick, easy, and yummy. I HAD to taste them. I cut a small cookie in quarters, and ate one quarter. In my head I thought, at least 25 calories...blah. I was glad to send the whole container out the door with them.

The aroma lingers though. I started getting crave-y, so I am chewing a piece of orange gum. It isn't a chocolate cookie, but it helps.

I savor the quiet. It almost seems loud, it is so quiet. Suri is sleeping, and I am alone in the room. I think I like it. I keep thinking there are things I should be doing, but nah. I shall sit and soak in the quiet.

Mirielle thinks I should make a Thanksgiving dinner for the guys who are deployed with Ben who have no family closeby,(not ALL of them, just the ones Ben knows.)(although I wish I could do it for ALL of them) when I get to Washington. In Ben's apartment. Now, Ben probably doesn't have too many dishes. Or pans. And then I started thinking of him unpacking the stuff from storage, and the wedding gifts, and Ashley's stuff...oh dear how sad. Sad. It is going to be a tough road for him. It might be good for him if we do this though.

I think I will start a new book...I have a Susan Isaacs I don't think I have read yet.....(I never remember if I read them until I start, "I Know This Much Is True", by Wally Lamb...not sure if I have read it or not...)


Chet and Ashley said...

I HAVE to write down the books I read...otherwise I will forget too, ha!

I am so sorry about Ben and Ashley, but am so glad you will be there for him when he arrives home. He is blessed to have loving parents!

Cindy @ Marriedtothemilitary {dot} net said...

I was sitting here the other day and realized that all the kids were gone (well kamden was napping) and the TV was on. I had not taken advantage of the quiet. I turened the TV off, and 5 miutes later kids were walking in the door lol.