summer 2011

summer 2011

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

my adventurous day....

I woke up with a sore throat. A cold has been making the rounds here and I thought I would be lucky and miss out. Camille has it and came into my room last night to tell me she didn't feel well. During the middle of the night. She doesn't turn on a light or make a sound, just appears next to my bed...I felt tapping on my shoulder, and there she was. It was too dark to see her, but her little voice announced she wasn't feeling well. And...I thought it was Charlotte Claire. So when I got out of my comfy bed this morning and took the puppy out, said goodbye to the older school kids,cleaned off kitchen counters and puttered around, and was thinking of whether to wake the princesses and send them off to school...I decided not to. Char's teacher was sick to her stomach at school the other day, so I reasoned that Char should stay home. I opened their bedroom door and looked at them sleeping. I decided to keep them home. Then I tip-toed into Jonathan's room...and decided that he has been going to school too often.

Then I did something that I NEVER do. I crept back into my comfy bed. And I fell back to sleep. Oh, it was yummy good. I woke up to Jon opening the door with the was my sister. Now, my sister has a huge job to do. Her daughter Janet is getting married in three days. And Cheryl is buying the food. For 275 people.(plus the food for the rehearsal dinner, for 40 people) So I offered to help her. She was calling from the small city, trying to sort out the list and figure out what to buy where. I left the kids here with the vacationing college kids, and went to meet her at McDonalds to plan the strategy.

I feel a tiny bit bad now about how off topic we get every two minutes, we play Off On A Tangent way too well. So it took all the live-long day to go to two stores. She still has lots to get, so I will probably be busy for the next few days. She also has to hem Janet's wedding dress. That alone would make some people quake, but Cheryl doesn't get too ruffled. She always thinks she has more time than she does though:)

Home to a nice warm house, sunny kitchen filled with Jonathan on roller blades, and Mirielle making a huge batch of chocolate half-moon cookies. They are these cake-like cookies frosted with half vanilla and half chocolate frosting. Just because she felt like it.

No fair to me! I cannot eat those!

I feel a bit off kilter because I didn't go to the pool this morning, but maybe I will go later.

And dang it, I have to make dinner AGAIN TONIGHT!

Oh well.

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