summer 2011

summer 2011

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

sayin' goodbye to this guy....

Samuel saying goodbye to Camille.....

He left this morning. But we will still see him tomorrow morning when he is officially sworn in. And yes, I know he didn't just walk off the edge of the world. Or die. Or get shipped overseas. But. He left home. And...he is my friend. I am going to miss him so badly I can't even see through the tears. He has been out of school for weeks now, so we really had some time together. He would lecture Jonathan on history, he would bring me coffee, he would tease me about hogging all the half and half. He was almost always game to go out and about with me, especially if there was a stop at McD's or for a coffee....

Today I was out and about, and dang it if I didn't see so many things that Sam would like. It just kept hitting me that he wouldn't be here when I got home, that he won't be here at all....not for a long time. I am home after a day of out and about....The Wizard Of Oz in 3D with Sonja K. and Camille....then to Lowe's to get paint for Sonja's room...then to pick up my new glasses...then to BJ's for almonds...then to Valvoline for an oil change....then to Target for a new undershirt and bra for Sonja K. We also hit the after Valentine's Day candy sale:) If we can manage to save it for Easter, they will get some in their baskets.

The a quick stop for a 99 cent coffee for me, and 99 cent iced lattes for the two girls.....then home. Ah, home. Evelyn cleaned up while we were out, so yay. I need to get moving and get some dinner started, but for now...aah.


Martha said...

Wish I was there to give you a hug, but I suppose there will be plenty of those from others. Just know I'm here, and I'm praying for you and your boy too. I hate goodbyes.

Anonymous said...

That is so tough! Really nice you both had a lot of time together lately, it will help you both through the missing each other. Hope he will always be safe!

Anonymous said...

:( ((((hugs))))

Holly L