summer 2011

summer 2011

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Thursday, May 28, 2015

early morning bliss....

I had to get up early this morning and drive Margaret to her nanny job. I get up at 6 ish every morning anyway, so I can see Evelyn and Sonja before they get on the school bus. In the winter time I had gotten lazy about this, and blissfully slept in when I could...and the girls didn't like it. Even 13 and 15 year olds like their mama in the morning.

Anyway. I dropped Margaret off, and went to the grocery store Was I lonely and bored? Ha. I loved walking up and down the aisles without apologizing to anyone about what I forgot to look at. I had no teenagers with me to roll their eyes at all the packages of reduced meat I put into the cart (bonus! I got some good deals on beef! It's so expensive these days, but I was right behind the lady who was marking down yesterday's stuff...still good, and cheaper!)

And at the register, I chatted with the nice cashier about her five year old son, and how quickly childhood goes by, she admitted she cries when she sees his baby pics because he has grown up so fast. The lady behind me in line joined the conversation, she has five kids and had we agreed that kids are all so different. It was nice to converse with some nice ladies.

Home...ah home. Davian is here. Right now he is reading a huge Christmas sing-along book. He can read, so he can sing all the songs with the music when he presses the button. This child does not get bored. He is so dang cute.

Jonathan is reading, and the girls are playing dollhouse. Soon Joseph is going to take over watching them, and I am going to....Costco! With Emily. We are shopping for the soccer tournament this weekend, for the grill.

And, I am heading out to the deck in a few minutes to grill my breakfast...a couple of steaks that were marked down. Mmm.

So, it's a good day.


Marilyn said...

You have more energy than a barrel of monkeys.... :-) LOL!!!!!! I have always preferred to grocery shop on my own I have to say......quicker and cheaper because no one is throwing all the chips and baddies into the cart. Glad you had such a wonderful trip to Washington and to see your boy :-) We watched the Memorial Day Concert on TV. I always cry watching that, but it is always soooooo good.

Marilyn from Canada

Chrissy in Chaos said...

I always try to shop alone. Then my grocery bill is closer to £70 a week for 6 of us than £120! I also never go hungry anymore!! The co-op opposite my house reduces its fresh produce at 5:30 so that's my other trick, pizza served with houmous and carrots for £2.50 for the whole family? Yes please!