Today was a glorious day.

So they had sunshine and ice cream, and plenty of barefoot time. Today was gym class. An extra long gym class.
Tomorrow, we'll do more school work.
Sonja K. had a birthday yesterday, and is now 13 years old.

We had the party of parties on Sunday. Little boys galore, running in and out of the house, playing water wars with squirt guns and buckets of water outside, getting dripping wet. They ate their chocolate cupcakes across the kitchen floor, and left wrappers and half drank waterbottles and drink pouches here and there and everywhere. I surmise that each and every one of these little boys would have manners...individually...but get them in a big group, and they forget everything they were ever taught. No, it was great fun. Jon enjoyed himself, as much as a kid like Jon can, when his Nerf bullets are getting lost and his light sabers are being played with. He was a bit disconcerted, but overall he enjoyed it. We walked around the yard and found stray pieces of his stuff...
Never a dull moment.
Mali is here, so bye for now...
I feel obliged to say that I do love those little boys who came to Jon's party. I raised a few boys of my own...Party Mentality on a sunny day is a good thing.
I love the way you homeschool. We could have had a blast together.
Yesterday was gorgeous! I'm thankful for the time I had to be outside. I'm going to soak in some more of that sunshine today.
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