summer 2011

summer 2011

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Saturday, May 30, 2015

random saturday evening musings...

With no pictures, because I left my phone at the soccer tournament, which was today...the older kids are still there for a youth feast. Paul and I brought the three youngest home, and they are watching, SpongeBob.

Phew. It WAS a day. I made some snow cones and sold some candy to some cute little kids. One extremely sweet young teenage boy came up and explained that he gave another kid a dollar to pay for his snow cone, and he wanted to make sure we got it...his tender conscience wanted to make sure he had paid. We served chicken tender baskets and burgers and hot dogs and some grilled cheese sandwiches. We fried fries and made pizzas. We sold drinks and cotton candy. We watched our team lose...three times. I have four kids playing on the team this year, Evelyn 15, Suzanne 14, Sonja 13, and Jonathan 11. They did have tons of fun, which is not as exciting as winning, but.

It was warm and sunny, then warm and cloudy, then it poured, then cleared up, then rained again...the kids were able to get their games played though.

So I am tired and happy. The three youngest kids are exhausted. They are just sprawled on the couch. We have to get up in the morning and go again...:) Maybe, just maybe...our kids will win their only game tomorrow.

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