But the best part was this: Ashley and Anya came over! Little Anya is getting more comfortable here, she is a little sunshine! It's so nice to just have them here...
After dinner tonight, I hopped in the pool with Char and Cam for a quick cool off..., ha. More like climbed the ladder carefully...anyway, after our swim we went out for ice cream ... Abigail, Suzanne, Sonja, Jonathan, Charlotte Claire, and Camille...I didn't have ice cream, I stopped and got a coffee with sugar free raspberry in it. The soft vanilla and chocolate twist looked yum. I decided that next Friday, my fiftieth birthday, I am going to have an ice cream cone. It will be the first ice cream I have had in over ten weeks. I don't guess it will kill me. And if it does, I will die happy:)
We went to visit Grandma after the stop at the ice cream place...
Tomorrow, Evelyn, Suzanne, and Sonja are going on a hike with Abigail and some other girls from church. Jonathan is going over to one of his friend's house, and that leaves Paul and I, and the two princesses. I have to deliver my cookies and cupcakes to the event that is being catered around noon...then I have the day free. What shall we do with just two kids?
The house is quiet now, the girls all doing their own thing and Paul watching, "The Simpson's" with Jonathan. I am tired enough, after all that baking and washing up and and and...
How do you pronounce Anya's name? I always wonder that, so I'm just gonna ask, lol!
Holly L
Ooooh, I thought it was An-eye-ya On-ya is pretty!! :)
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