summer 2011

summer 2011

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

can we please slow down?

I have been around the block a few times, concerning this parenting thing. I don't want to name specific kids, or site specific problems, but life is would think nothing could faze me any more...ha.

One thing that I have learned is to not sweat the little things. The "tempest in a teacup". I see parents making the biggest deals out of the smallest things. I want to tell them to knock it off.

It's as if we think they'll stay little forever, the way we buy them toys and settle in for a life with children.

Camille is turning nine years old next week. We have majorly downsized our toy supply. She said she doesn't need any more dolls because she doesn't have room for them. (?!). She wants a new tablet for her birthday.

In a few years, Camille and Char will be teenagers too. They'll surprise me with random moodiness, they'll be snippy with me when I least expect it. They will grow up and need their space. I've been through it, I'm going through it now, five teenage girls at home presently...but somehow the last few of them leaving childhood behind makes me just sad.

But today is not a day for being sad. Today is gymnastics class, and activity club. And this evening, I am thinking of taking a few of the teenagers out and about...I think they need it.

We have stacks of library books, and curriculum books, and lots of school to do.

It's a good day.

1 comment:

Carol said...

My children are all grown now, but my grand doll and her mom still live here and I must say that I had forgotten all the joy that a toddler can bring.