summer 2011

summer 2011

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

the pool IS warm

Summer used to seem sooo long. I guess I am sort of in denial that school starts next week. Backpacks are bought and filled(now that was a circus), kids have new sneakers....but it is still summer!! Today the sun is broiling, with a nice breeze blowing, and the pool is warm. Charlotte Claire fusses, climbs, whines, climbs, laughs, eats, and gets to go swimming before her long afternoon nap (sigh)....
Today is my father's birthday. He died 7 months ago. Last year, we had a big 70th birthday celebration for him, which was bittersweet because our mother had just died a month before. But he was actually happy that day. I think all of their 40something grandchildren, and all seven children were there..

Well Grampa and Gramma: Em passed her boards, she is an official R.N now. You would be so proud of her. Ab is going into year 3 of college, still in accounting. Ben is going back for his second year of college, and works at a gas station...Mar is a senior in h.s. this year, and still runs miles everyday...Joe plays the guitar now, and draws less, he's going into 11th grade. Aaron is going into 9th (high school!), Molly into 8th, Sam into 6th, Margaret 5th, Kathryn 4th, Evelyn into 2nd, Suzanne into 1st, and Sonja K. into kindergarten!!! 10 kids in school, Grampa. Gramma, Sonja won't get her backpack from you...I won' be able to call you on the first day, and tell you how cute they looked, or how they were reluctant to get on the bus...but you can be sure I'll be thinking of you.....

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