summer 2011

summer 2011

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Sunday, September 1, 2024

all in all amazing...


The woods are so pretty....with the sunlight streaming in...
The beach, Lake Ontario:  yup.
The sunset from our campsite
Coffee is good.  Camping coffee is excellent.  Below:  the little lanterns, so cute!  

The dogs!
The husband...I certainly enjoyed the time with him, and I know he had fun with me too.  It's nice, after all these years, to still get along so well.  We really needed this time!
Eating dinner outside...grilled steaks, salt potatoes, salad with lots of strawberries.

We got home this afternoon, the camper backed into the driveway, in the rain.  We brought in most of the stuff, put most of it away, started the laundry...talked to Miss Camille who was heading out the door to New York City with a few friends...I made a batch of cupcakes for Tennyson, and had dinner, leftover grilled chicken on salads.  

Sleeping in a camper is lovely, especially when rain drums on the roof.  Waking up in the camper is nice too, especially when Paul makes me coffee.  

The three nights went by too fast, the campfires and the walks and the swimming in the clear chilly water, sitting on the beach with feet in the sand...we solved life's problems and had some laughs, some hugs, some really good conversations.  We drove around Henderson Harbor and around Sacketts Habor, went to the Dollar General twice. 

The DG market, a step above!

Anyway, we're home now, and it's nice.  I like home.  Have a really good Labor Day!


Linda said...

Oh, that looked so nice, smiles. Wishing you a beautiful week.

Anonymous said...

Love the lantern lights!
Ha ha to the upscale DG:)