summer 2011

summer 2011

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

summery autumn weather, we'll take it!


The mums are getting almost too much sun!
These mums are out of control!  Paul planted them in the planter box a few years ago, thinking it was a lavender plant that survived the winter in a pot under the deck.  

This fine morning, I have puttered around...does anyone else get stinkbugs in the fall?  I hate them.  They are disgusting, but at least they are dumb and slow.  I keep two vacuum cleaners plugged in and ready at all times.  I also have the wax warmer going with pumpkin spice, because there is no pleasant aroma when you vacuum up a stink bug.  ugh.  But, it's part of autumn here these days.  We have sprayed, they don't seem to mind pesticides. 

Kathryn was going to the library today, so Cam and I joined her.  They have a new play area for the kids.  

Achilles likes the dollhouse
Rhys was "working".
Jamie liked the stairs
Imaginations!  Achilles was the captain, and Rhys was on the phone with Sonic...

We also took a quick trip into Aldi, which is one of the nice things about Aldi, how long can it take?  We got apples for only $1.89, a bag of frozen mixed veggies, still under a dollar, a bottle of lime juice for $1.99,  two pounds of butter (ouch!), a pizza dough, fresh mozzarella, and various other things that added up to $47.  You don't get much for your money these days, but at least things are cheaper at Aldi.  And, I discovered their habanero lime sauce, so good but not too hot.  Mmmm.  

Home again, ahh, I puttered around a bit more, but my knees were subtly suggesting I sit down for a bit...when I ignore their promptings, they start yelling at me, then punish me by not bending when I do go to sit, mostly the right one. The left one is giving me the gift of not hurting as badly, and bending more easily. 

So the cortisone shots, a huge amazing gift, took the edge off, but that edge is wearing off quickly for my right knee.  Dang it.  It was too good to be true.  

One thing I'm working on is losing some weight.  We all know how that goes, but I'm not giving up.  The weekend away was a bit snacky, that's all I'll say about it, could've been worse, could've been better, it was enjoyed, but now I'm being more serious again.  

There's Activity Club tonight, we're playing on the playground, then making autumn wind chimes.  We'll have a snack and a drink and then they'll run around for a bit.  I do enjoy the kids.  

Did I tell you that I'm watching Wulf and Tennyson from Thursday to Monday?  Yes, they're coming for a few days, and I'm excited about it.  I'm thinking to let them help plan our meals for the weekend, then bring them to the store on Friday.  Paul and I are also planning to bring them to the playground or somewhere fun on Friday, we'll see what the rest of the weekend brings.  

Ah well, I think my break is over...I'm in an organizing mood, and we all know those don't come around every day!  Have a really nice day!


Anonymous said...

Yes, the stinkbugs are back in full force, and ours are particularly obnoxious. One landed right in front of me as I was cutting up chicken, and advancing like he was going to have some! My daughter grabbed it in time. Sorry your knees are hurting!

16 blessings'mom said...

Oh dear, but at least they're slow and stupid, and usually don't bite, right? ugh though...:)