....I'm sitting here in my comfy chair, not for long, as swim class starts in an hour and five minutes. I have my coffee, and I've fed the kitties and the doggies and washed up a few dishes. My fingers are dancing over the keyboard, not quite knowing what to write, was just going to change screens and read news instead...
Sometimes things happen that aren't your stories to tell, but make you sad. I won't say anymore, but when we trust that God causes all things to work together for our good, it comforts our hearts when things don't make any sense to our souls.
Oh dear. We have had quite a weekend, taking care of the little pup, then having lots of people over yesterday. Football was on, and I found myself getting interested, oh no! I think when the teams are at this level, they're so good, it's more exciting. And, being a New Yorker, duh Buffalo! Then they lost, and I cared! We had pizza and wings and chocolate chip cookies, and lots of fun. We set up some dollhouse stuff on the kitchen tables, and the kids played with cardboard boxes and balloons still floating around here from Ophelia's birthday. They watched cartoons with Grandpa, and played house in my room. They ran up and down the hallway, and they had a few fights.
Sweet Blythe...and Old Kitty.Suri in the foreground, Sunny parking where the good stuff falls...sometimes the kids catch on, and just toss it so they can see the doggies crunch.
This is the wall color, which is in a flat paint. Our cabinets will disappear into our walls, we'll have to just feel where they are. Only the hinges and pulls will show. It's supposed to be a "thing", texture being the only difference...the shades are slightly different...I'm hesitant, but you know what? It's one can of paint. (hopefully. If we run out, today's the last day of the sale, we're waiting for the next sale to finish it ha). (It's also toil and mess and time and work). But. Miss Camille is open and willing to help, so what is it going to hurt, even if it looks awful? Maybe it'll look fantastic, and we'll love it. These days with Camille are numbered, she's seventeen, right now she's taking a breather after homeschooling, she works a day or two a week, but will be going to college, and before you know it, she'll be grown and moving out...it wasn't long ago I had a whole gaggle of girls here helping, giving opinions on projects. Now they have their own projects, their own homes, and it's different. It's the way it should be, but it leaves me knowing how quickly they move on through.
Hope you had a good swim! I'll be looking for paint colors later this week. It isn't fun for me but I sorta know what I'm looking for. Yes, the kiddos grow up too fast but it is a good feeling to see them making it and doing well. Hugs!
Hi Della!
I think your wall will look lovely. Like you say if they don’t it’s just a can of paint.
Good for you with your water workouts. I’ve heard water is the best and easier on those of us with arthritis. Not a strain on the joints. I’ve been walking every day with my walker, in the halls here where I live. They are lovely and wide and I mostly stay on our floor, but sometimes go to others as well. I run into people and sometimes stop for a chat etc.
We are going to get cold by the weekend. They said -27c or something equally as vile 😳😳😳
I love your pictures of the baby and the pups and kitty. Lovely ☺️ All your painting is coming together and I’ll look forward to the finished product.
Have a lovely day…….what left of it 🥰
Marilyn from Canada 🥶🥶
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