summer 2011

summer 2011

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Monday, September 26, 2011

never a dull moment...

Happily I skipped out the door to the park...well, after I put in one load of towels, and tied up Rosie and got her two pails of water (in case she spilled one), and got a few lawn chairs into the van...we brought some water bottles and a few snacks, and the lunch I had packed for Jon for school.

The park was totally and absolutely gorgeous. Sunny and eighty degrees with a nice little sister met me there with her almost three year old grandson, who happens to be Jon's little buddy. They played and ran and slid down the slides while Cheryl and I sunned and talked...then Susan joined us with new sonogram pics of the twins...oh, heart-wrenchingly cute! So exciting, too. We were having too good of a time, I guess...because the school nurse called and said she had Suzanne sick in her office, could I please come get her? We were down south of the small city at the lake, and really had to get to the store...if I went and got her first, I would have to drive the fifteen miles back to the store, and I would have had to wait until after school when there would be someone to stay with her if she was really We reluctantly left the beautiful park, went quickly through the store (well, not so very quickly...), and picked up Suze. I think she was just tired.


So here we are, home again. I am wondering two things:

1. If this were a few years ago when no one had cell phones, would daddy have had to leave work and go get her?

2. What would have happened if I were in nursing school?

I am deciding I don't really like having a cell phone. I don't mind my older kids texting me all the time, but mostly they WANT things..want me to get things, do things...I am too accessable!

Rosie broke her leash while we were gone, and probably terrorized the neighbors and pooped in their yards. oops. She probably chased the mail lady right down the road. She was laughing her head off when I pulled in and saw her dragging that broken leash....

Well, I do not feel like meandering into that kitchen and rustling up some dinner. No, I don't want to. But growing up means doing what you don't want when you don't want to, so I have to.

Since I did nothing in the way of housework today, I shall get these guys to pitch in and do a five minute clean up...right now, I think I shall lie on the couch and take a nap. ha. I say that, but I rarely do. Maybe because it is when my kids think of all the important things to say to me, right as I doze off...

1 comment:

Martha said...

I got a cell phone just before Hannah and I went to NY City. It rang today while I was folding laundry on the back porch and my dear husband brought it to me. The funny thing is, I haven't given my number to anyone but him and my friend Judy, and it wasn't either one of them. Likely someone looking for whoever had the number before me. I didn't answer it. That would be a waste of minutes. ;)

My kids would have had to sleep it off at the nurse's office if I wasn't at home. I like being inaccessible.