There's nothing like a house overflowing with kids for the holidays to make the return to the Real World After Vacation seem quiet and sad and dead and boring.
Eight kids went to school in the ten degree wind and snow. Emily, Abigail, Mirielle, and Mali are on their way to Jamaica. Joseph and Aaron are here, sleeping of course, and Camille is still in bed, playing with her Belle doll.
I already miss the expectation of footsteps on the stairs, Margaret making coffee a few times a day, the late night movies and the laughing. I do not think I will miss all the dishes they dirtied with their 24 hour kitchen schedule, but that is about the only downfall I can think of in having them all here.
It really is quiet in here. Rosie is actually snoring in her cage, Kitty Kitten is sleeping on the back of the couch, her white fur decorated with green and blue marker, which no one did.
I made toast and cocoa for those poor little kids who had to get out of their warm beds and go to school today.
When I walked Rosie this morning, it was slippery going. The road is pure ice under the snow because it is so cold out. The snow is powdery and squeaky and deep, it is halfway to my knees in the driveway. It looks pretty, but...blah. Makes it hard to navigate, and honestly, having six grown kids with driver's licenses and two with learner permits makes the snowy weather a bit scary. Emily and Abigail drive into the big city every day, the college kids do too, when break is over. (Well, four of my drivers are going to be in the Caribbean for a week, so I won't have to worry about them driving.)(Just that they don't get sunburned)(The good thing is that they are good girls, and I don't have to worry about them coming home with Jamaican boyfriends) is a new day. I have a clean slate. I have eaten no chocolate yet today. Yesterday, I must confess, I had some again. I ate so well all day, then broke into the last Swiss chocolate Christmas is now all gone, and none of the other treats has the same allure. So I shall keep on the straight and narrow, and make my lazy rear end get up and exercise. I did work out yesterday for a half hour, and I will not lie. It was not fun. I was glad I did it, but...
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