summer 2011

summer 2011

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

summer fun

It's hard for me to write when there is so much going on here. I try to get up early in the morning, but ha. This morning I slept until....ten. Yup. See, 12 of us went to the drive-in last night. We didn't get to bed until 2 am. It was the first time to the drive-in for Jon, Charlotte Claire, and Camille. We say Monster's University and Despicable Me 2.

Our schedule is lazy these days, although the days are still full. Yesterday I went to three grocery stores with five kids.
We also went to the library to get the next Little House book and a stack of books for Evelyn. I also got a few in case there is a rainy day and I feel like I can sneak away for a bit....

Our kitties and puppy have fleas. I use flea treatment, but it isn't working. I give little kitty flea baths and get all the fleas off, and voila, in a few days they are back. The big old kitty, who is super nice, is outside most of the time and probably keeps bringing them in. Suri has them too. We don't have carpet out here, and I keep washing the couch covers and vacuuming, but ugh, it is a chore! Today I am going to the pet store for some premium flea stuff, and a flea comb to comb kitty. As if I didn't have enough to do, right?

Tomorrow is my birthday, and we are all invited over to Emily's new house for dinner. Jonathan, Char, and Camille are invited to stay for the night.

And now I have things to do...heading to Walmart to print pictures, pet store, getting girls ready for an outing with Mali....


Mariel P said...

Flea collars... they're $6 or $7 at True Value.

A flea bath in that shampoo (you'll see them coming out of their coats), then on goes the collar. It'll last through fall.

mommeeof10 said...

Frontline does not work on our pets anymore. We have to buy advantage 2 or advantix. Costco has them, but only on their website, not in the store. Petsmart has them in the store.

weathergirl said...

We are having the same problem with the flea drops...we've tried all the ones that our vets have, and none work any more (they used to). Now we use Diatomaceous Earth, which you can get at the pet store or online. It is a powder made from ground up sea shells that scratches the fleas open and absorbs their blood. We just apply it to the animals, and sprinkle it around doorways. You can also sprinkle the carpets or rugs, and then vacuum them later.