The dentist, oh blah. Camille climbed up so bravely into that dentist chair, blissfully unaware that this would be so different from a regular cleaning. She did fine though. One little filling. Then Char had her turn, then Jonathan, poor Jon. He was in to have the last filling done, and lo and behold, there were two new cavities! They weren't noticeable even last week! The dentist was puzzled. They were right on the surface of the molars, he said they were definitely not a hygiene issue. I said I didn't think so, Jon has been super diligent about brushing and flossing, especially in the last few weeks. He seemed to think it was more like a congenital thing, where the enamel didn't develop properly. I suspect it's because Jon was born just a bit over ten months after baby Robert. But I am not going to dwell on it. We have some special toothpaste from the dentist, and hopefully it will help.
So Mirielle and Emily went to Costco with us. It was my first time there! Emily lived on the west coast for a while a few years back, when she worked in the kitchen of the church conference center in Oregon. She remembers the chocolate cake and the fresh roasted coffee beans...and guess what? This east coast Costco does not have those fresh roasted coffee beans. They had the cake though, it looked almost evil in it's yummy $16.99 goodness. We did not buy one. We did buy a pumpkin pie though, don't ask me why when I can bake my own. Probably because we were so hungry. I also actually bought some beef...it has been SO expensive, but I finally caved and paid $3.99 a pound. It's a ten pound piece, so I should get at least two meals out of it. I am thinking beef stew...
Anyway, Costco is okay. It's not much different than BJ's, a lot of things are more expensive there. There were different toys, and I am a toy nerd...Camille almost talked me into a new doll pram for her birthday, there is a cute one there. But she doesn't need another one of those, no matter how cute! Or does she....
And now I am home all alone. Absolutely alone, except for the two kitties and the two dogs. There are clothes in the washer and in the dryer, and a sink full of dishes, which I was appalled to come home to. No way should I wash them, the school kids used them this afternoon, and are now gone to a church activity club party. Charlotte Claire dressed as a Ninja, and Cam like Mulan, in a sweet little kimono. Jon was some sort of Jedi. What fun. And having the whole house to myself, yay!
I told myself I should use the time wisely, to clean up. I could mop the floors with no one to come along and fall a$$ over teacup, as Stephen King would say. I could bake some cookies for Sam, or organize the pantry. I could simply walk around and pick up stray socks and straighten the bookshelves. But no way no how, I am going to sit here and enjoy some interruption-free time. Don't get me wrong, I love my kids. I get a huge kick out of them. (Today we were trying to find Costco...and Char suggested that we follow the lady in the car next to us. "She looks like she's going there.", Char said.)

But I choose to sit here for a bit in my comfy chair with this comfy kitty on me. (This is right now)
The next time you go to Costco you should try the Pumpkin Bites. So yum! (They are in the cake section...sort of mini cupcake/muffins)
So funny what Char said!!!! You're going to just love reading back on these posts when they're all grown & gone! Or...wait. Does that actually happen?? Seems like it never does to me, lol. Mine are still 2-15 and very much in the "handful" category.
I saw those bears at Costco too but holy $200?!! Yikes! I bought my 10 year old daughter the one they had last year that was half the size (still quite big!) for $40, much better price in my opinion!! Honestly...it's the biggest pain. Literally. Always in the way, she even tried to bring it to macleay for conference in the dorm! Um...no, that bear had to sit in my car the whole time lol.
I love costco! The nearest one is about 20 miles from our house. The nearest BJ's is 50+ miles away.
We have the executive membership. $110 a year. We get a percentage back from everything we spend. Usually, we get between $130 and $160 a year back. They pay me to shop there?
They also have a very good return policy on appliances, etc.
Pumpkin bites sound dangerous:)...Sherah, I'll let you know if any of mine ever get out of the, "handful" category. Just kidding, a few of them have actually turned the corner and are more help than they are hindrance:) Hilarious about the giant bear sitting in your car!! They certainly are worth the toil, aren't they?
I get BJ's rewards too, I'm not sure if I would rather switch over to Costco...same idea...
Those are the biggest beats I've ever seen!!
Tereza, I know you meant, "bears", :) They are pretty huge, and only $179.99. I can think of a hundred things off the top of my head that I would rather spend that much money on, without even thinking of it.
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