Personally, a good day is a day when I keep my vision lifted, and am quick to acknowledge my own sin. A good day is when I stay out of the cookies (I baked a triple batch of chocolate chip cookies last night!)

I took Miss Char and Jonathan to the dentist, and sadly they have a few cavities. They are really small, thankfully they had xrays and they were caught quickly, but we have to go back in next week for fillings. I told you guys how important brushing and flossing is, I told them.
We took a quick run into Aldi while we were in the neighborhood, because Aldi has butternut squash for 99cents each this week. We ate all the ones from our garden already, I can prepare three or four of them and it is not enough. So we bought nine. I wanted 20, but they take up all the room in the cart.
This weekend is another soccer tournament at church, for the kids here who are under 16. We also have to send a crew of us to the Dome for a college football game, so it will be busy. Joseph and Margaret will be going to the football game to work, I will stay and work at the grill/candy store for soccer. Hopefully I will get to watch the kids play! Evelyn, Suzanne, Sonja, play. Jon practices with the team, but doesn't really play yet, but will have to sub if he is needed. Kathryn helps coach. So I hope I get to watch just a bit, anyway! I would actually love to watch each and every game, but that is not going to happen.
And, Paul comes home on Saturday night! Yay! I simply cannot wait.
Tomorrow morning, I am heading out to do the rest of the shopping for our church grill this weekend. I already wrote out lessons for the kids, and talked to them about it. Kathryn and Suzanne and Joseph will hold down the fort for me for a few hours. The kids are getting used to not being able to watch televison/play video games during the day, so they get creative. Today, they played dollhouse, and they played, "Star Wars", using broomsticks as light sabers.
I also cleaned my room, this evening. I have so many clothes, but never anything to wear. I put away summer stuff, and sorted, washed my bedding, vacuumed, and found things I didn't remember having.
My evening snack: a bowl of spinach, with the leftover squash, with a few spoons of chicken from the soup on top. I only had a few tablespoons of soup for dinner because I had just had coffee and wasn't very hungry. I usually don't eat in the evening, just a cup of tea, or sometimes a piece of gum. I am trying to learn to listen to my body when I am not very hungry, and NOT listen to it when I am starving:) I actually try not to let myself get really hungry, that's when poor decisions are made. And, I am re-learning to use my brain! Veggies and meat, a few nuts, an apple....good things to eat! I need to eat frequently, keep satisfied, so that I don't just eat cookies. I know it works, it just takes work, and a bit of suffering.
Ah well, my warm comfy bed is calling me...
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