I tried to go to bed at a decent time last night. I read only until 11:30. Then at midnight, I woke up to barking. Duke was outside. I have no idea who let him out and left him there, and I wasn't about to go knocking on bedroom doors and ask, only to be answered with the inevitable Not Me. And besides, it didn't matter. I was awake. My heart was pounding from waking up so suddenly, when I got back into bed I thought perhaps This Was It. My pulse was only sixty something, so I was fine, I just felt so wide awake and could NOT fall back to sleep. I finally turned the light back on and read for a while...
Cam and Char slept in my big comfy bed with me last night, Paul is in France again. I love having our little sleepovers, the girls are cuddly and cute. Cam woke me up talking a mile a minute in her sleep, I loved just patting her arm and telling her it was okay.
Anyway. I am foggy-brained today.
It is a nice day, and we are going to take the bikes and put them in the back of the truck and go to a park or something.
I want a nap.
Tomorrow we have a dentist appointment, then the kids have an activity club party. They can dress up if they want to, and the want to. Star Wars nerds, I call them. How does one dress as Asoka? Can't they just be princesses?
I made the yummiest chili for dinner last night. Ground beef and hot sausage, and tomatoes from the garden. A can of diced tomatoes with lime and garlic from Aldi, and one small can of sauce. Lots of spices and seasoning, one can of black beans. It is ALL gone. Aaron came for a visit last evening and had the last of it.
Guess what? I have no idea what we are having for dinner tonight. I actually have to go to the store again soon. We are out of popcorn kernels, and hot sauce. The milk is getting low and there are only a few eggs.
One of these days I will get more organized. I will make weekly meal plans. I will organize the cupboards and not search through five shelves every time I need a can of diced tomatoes. I won't procrastinate anymore, either. If I have to call to make an appointment to get the truck inspected, I will just do it! I won't wait until the last minute to write up the kids' school reports, and maybe I'll even clean the laundry room.
But not today. Today, we are going on an adventure. We are going to enjoy the sunshine and get some exercise.
I like your plan, even if I did stay home and clean the bathroom and wash the kitchen floor.
Haha..we are definitely sisters!! I made delicious chili last night as well, I liked it, but Susan loved it!! Why does it feel so good when someone likes my cooking??
And where did that procrastination gene come from?? We are having our septic inspected Fri @ 5:15.. By Nov 1st??
And my pantry... Embarrassing!!! It's crazy!
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