Some of us do crazy things to cope with winter. I re-did the end tables last week, and tonight I chalk painted my bathroom cupboards/vanity. This poor bathroom has been in use for 24 years...showers and baths and teeth brushings, day in and day out..
Here's a "before" picture....
After wiping them down, two times for good measure, I just started painting. I used the same Walmart paint I used for the end tables, $5.97 for a 16 oz bottle, and it took less than half. I did two coats, then applied wax, which has to dry for 24 hours before buffing and adding more. Chalk paint is supposed to be magical, no sanding or prep work. Perfect for the lazy DIY-er. I can't very well sit on that slate floor in the bathroom for very long, so I brought in a kitchen chair, and just leaning over was borderline agony. Jonathan was my right-hand man, all the older kids were at the youth meeting. We couldn't get the drawer handles off, no matter how hard we tried. They were in too tight. So we left them on.
The countertops are a burgundy color, which was all the rage when we built the house back in 1992. We don't have major renovations in our budget, and of course Paul thinks they look fine as they are, so if I want them different, I guess I am just going to have to attempt to paint them. Keeping the kids out of the bathroom for a few days while they dry will be the challenge. I have watched several-everal countertop makeover videos, so I think I can do it, ha.
(I started this post last night...and got too tired to finish it...a full day of going out and about, and keeping up with the kids, and making dinner (chicken, pasta, squash, corn, and spinach...I was the only one who ate the spinach), doing a project in the evening wore me right out...)(But I still stayed up 'til 1 a.m. reading, because when Paul's traveling, that's what I do...)
Anyway, Jon is in the shower right now, and besides, I need to add more wax, and put the cupboard handles back on before the "after" pictures, but it looks better in that bathroom...the color: oatmeal.
And if they come out nice, I will be starting the kitchen cabinets soon.
Last night I had a dream that I was consulting with a doctor about weight loss surgery, and he said they could trim a few inches off my sides, and have me skinny in no time, but then what about the baby? um, what? Oh, there's a baby in there, he said. NEVER MIND SKINNY, WHAT? Too bad it was only a dream. But it would explain this tummy of mine, ha.
Emily stopped in last night to talk about our Norway plans. Do you believe I am going to Norway? We are driving down to New York City, then flying across...we'll stay at the conference center there for the weekend, with Abigail and Margaret, then take the train up into the mountains where Margaret has been staying, and spend a few days there. Then to Oslo for a few days, to spend time with Abigail, then we fly to London. Suzanne is in charge of planning our 8 hour layover there, a quick sight-seeing tour. I want tea and scones, and to see Big Ben, and a red phone booth and a double decker bus. I hope it's a nice sunny day. The carry-on luggage we'll be dragging will scream, "tourists!"...
Our next trip after this one, is driving to Florida to see Grandma! I am not sure of the dates exactly, but we are going to fit it in.
Today, I plan to stay home. Yesterday I went out and about because we needed dog food, butter, a snack for tonight's activity club, and some snacks for our special little overnight-at-a-hotel trip on Thursday night.
We also had to stop at the post office to pick up a few packages...we got this from Kara, and it was like mini Christmas! They opened it up in the van, and oh the's paracord, and they love making bracelets...watching videos and learning new braids for it...
Thank you so much, Kara!
Yay! You got it! I hope the kids have lots of fun making all sorts of things from the paracord. I'm always happy to pass things on to people who will make use of them.
would love to see the finished cabinet! Great inspirational post, no need to replace furniture just revamp it!
I can't wait to see the after pics of your bathroom vanity and countertops! My kitchen counters are flat almond (from 1996), which looked so bright and clean when we got them,but are now all scratched and dinged up. My dh and his friend talked me out of the hunter green color that I wanted (and was so popular that year) because they convinced me that every nick would be extremely noticeable. So I went with the almond and while it was fine for awhile, it quickly lost its appeal. I see all these counter tops in magazines and when I look at real estate listings and am just drooling with envy. I would love to do something to fix mine up that would brighten things up for little money (as little as possible considering how expensive new counters are). Things are going to look so good when you're done :)
Today I will buff the cabinets and apply a third coat of wax, then put the handles back on, then take a picture. I haven't attempted the countertop yet, it's a project for another day. Lisa, what were we thinking? My kitchen counter is BLUE. With the lovely oak trim around it. I have watched so many countertop makeover videos...apparently, you can paint right over the wood trim, then blot little bits of color all over it to make it look like granite or marble, then put a sealer on it, like polyurethane. It won't hold up like real granite, I'm sure, but it will look like it if done right. That's the part I'm worried about, that I'll totally botch it. But one of these days...because I am sick of the blue. (I don't know how people afford thousands of dollars for these things..)
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