summer 2011

summer 2011

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Sunday, June 14, 2020

sunny Sunday and sunny days...

Oh yeah, sunshine! Vitamin D, right?

Our outing to Marshall's the other day..

Evelyn and I took Wulf on a little outing, to Ollie's and to Aldi. He was a good boy, so Grandma got him a new shovel and a package of balls to throw around in his apartment. He is potty training, and kept dry all day while we watched him, although he did ask to go to the bathroom like twenty hundred times, he likes my bathroom.

Suzanne (Aunt Suzanne, ha) with little Lydia. Suze was always Lyd's special friend, and she has missed her so much. As you can well imagine, I've felt bad, guilty, for writing about having my feelings hurt, and while I CAN go back and take down the post, I can't take back the words. I love Suzanne, and would much rather she didn't feel bad, that was not my goal. Sometimes you just have to write what is true, and not just sit there going on about how beautiful the weather is, while tears are rolling off the tip of your nose. Suzanne is a kind hearted, soft hearted girl. She's young, and she's strong, and she's asserting her independence. And Martha, you are so right, we can't help what we feel, but we can help how we deal with it. Feeling is part of being human, but thankfully, we don't have to let bad feelings fester into bitterness! God is good!

Today, we are going to see some of our church friends in person for the first time since March! We are allowed, here in NY, to get together 25% of capacity for religious gatherings. We have a huge conference center that we meet at, so we can still have a lot of people and fall under that. Today, we'll just be outside, informal, for the Sunday school kids to do some activities, and families to see each other, bring your own chairs, and sit with your own household. I am very happy about this!

1 comment:

Linda Conley said...

{{{Big big smiles}}} Thank you for sharing, Della. Hope you have a beautiful day my friend.