summer 2011

summer 2011

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Wednesday, February 12, 2014


Zero. That's the temperature here this morning. It was colder before the sun came up. Zero. It's also how much weight I lost this year so far. Well, I actually lost several pounds, but found them all again, so I am the same as I was at the beginning of January. Zero. That's how much motivation I am feeling this morning.

The sun is shining today, shining on piles of sparkling snow. The kids who go to school all went to school, even the two little princesses, all freshly showered with their hair blow-dryed, backpacks filled with homework all completed, and lunches packed. The house is too quiet, with Jon still lying in bed reading stuff on his tablet, Kathryn doing work in her room, Joseph doing who knows what, Sam still sleeping. The dogs are snoring, and I am tempted to go back to bed.

I have swept the floors and washed the dishes, and am feeling restless. It isn't that there's nothing to do, it's that there's nothing I WANT to do, and organizing and shining and dusting and scrubbing...blah.

Emily and Evelyn have the right idea. Right now they are probably exploring the resort, walking on the beach, or testing the water in one of the pools, down in Jamaica. They probably had fresh tropical fruit for breakfast. They probably had to lather on the sunscreen, with their blonde hair and light complexions. Oh, sunscreen! Sunshine on my skin, I miss you! I could go get some on my face, I guess, but the zero temperature would definitely negate the good basking feeling.

Samuel is leaving in next week, so I might take him out to lunch today or something. I want to make the most of our days here, since seriously, we will hopefully see him when he graduates from Basic in June or so (road trip to Georgia!), then...who knows? He could be stationed in South Korea or Germany or Hawaii, or he could be at Fort Drum in northern New York. He is antsy, a little nervous, lots of energy, restless, done with school and done packing up his stuff, ready to go, but not leaving yet...

1 comment:

Martha said...

It's still not snowman weather. Too cold. But that's okay because I can't find my snowpants. I don't h ave any. I like being inside where it's warm anyway. :0)
The sparkly snow as so pretty this week. Like glitter coming down and resting on the ground.
Prayers for Sam.