...but it's not really set in stone, is it? I talked to the scheduling lady about the total knee replacement surgery. She agreed that it was too aggressive and not actually realistic to fit it in after Phoenix and before the May weddings, with pre-surgery testing and all. I have a camping trip on the weekend after Abigail's wedding, that first weekend in June, and it's in my favorite camping site. So, June tenth is the date we decided on.
But. It will ruin my summer. I will not be able to get down that ladder into my pool, even if my incisions do heal up in a month. We do not have AC, and the thought of not being able to swim all summer, even if I can still do the other three camping trips I have booked....the second trip would be four weeks out from surgery...would I be able to wade into Lake Ontario? I don't know.
So. Being the excellent Second Guesser that I am, I am thinking perhaps trying for September instead. Sonja and Oscar are having their baby around the beginning of the month, but I'd still be able to hold a baby, right? Summer would be over, and I would be able to heal up by the holidays...it seems to make more sense.
(The schedule lady was extremely understanding and if I call to change the date, it's fine)
Also, I was googling the heck out of total knee replacements, and there's a study that says 1 in 5 patients have regrets. So I googled "total knee replacement regrets" and oh dear. It was SUPER second guessing time! But no, I had enough of that, and googled "Thankful for knee replacement", and okay, that's much better ha. I mean, who needs to read stories about people who had even more pain afterwards? No, I need "It changed my life and I can do more than ever!" :). (as with a lot of medical procedures, there is the question of: are way too many tkrs being done? Do all these patients actually NEED this done? Are some drs pushing for them because money?). (for the record, my dr hasn't pushed me at all. )
Anyway. Life is good, isn't it? I am trying to make the most out of my challenges, went to Wegmans today, then Walmart for a few things for the wedding shower we're having here on Sunday. Camille needed cream of tartar for her macarons, I wanted some pretty plates and some Baby Binks (the cute little Palmer chocolate bunnies that used to be 88 cents, now $1.36!) for Easter for the grandkids, and something more for Evelyn's gift.
There was clearance stuff in the center aisle in Walmart so of course I perused, and found some of my favorite giant underwear for almost a fourth of their usual price! I like the ones that come right up over the belly button, and hold my tummy in a bit, no bikini thongs for me.
My point is we ended up have some things in our cart...more than 15, for sure, but not too much stuff. There were two of the self check registers open, and yes, there are signs that say 15 Items Or Less. But, there were only a few check- outs open with Real Human Cashiers, and they had carts just full of stuff.... the thought of getting in line behind them and waiting at that point...well, my knee was throbbing. The girls convinced me no one would care at the self check out, so we checked out there, quickly and efficiently, with Char and Cam scanning, and me putting things back in the cart. No one was behind us, there were still empty registers. I was pretty surprised when the Self Check Lady approached us and reprimanded us for having more than 15 things. "I understand, and I tried to use the other checkouts, but I didn't think I could stand that long, I have a really bad knee." She told me there were a lot of registers open, which wasn't true, but I wasn't going to argue with her. We were already finished. She said next time we come in, we should remember the rule. Okay. Have a nice day.
I don't much like to get in trouble. But it was interesting. I felt the temptation to be a witch with a capital B. That growl-y feeling. It gave me a sudden feeling of mercy for people who lash out at other people. Maybe they're just in pain! At the end of their rope, either physically or mentally. I'm not saying it's good to lash out, just that I undersood it more, had this flash of clarity.
Blessed are the merciful, for they will obtain mercy. We all know that verse. We don't suffer for nothing, there is always something to learn, and God is good.
The table color in the daytime...The birthday party...
Wulf loves Pokemon!
Ashley and her three, Declan, Elise, Anya
Anya is so good with her little cousins...Ruth, and Rhys
Margaret made a poke-ball cake and cupcakes, and Pikachoo peeps.
Uncle Benjamin with Jamie, and Blythe, and Paul had his guitar out.
The grandchildren except for Lydia, Ophelia, Denzel, who didn't come, and Jamie who didn't want to be in the pic, and newborn Ellis. So 11 of them! Blythe didn't want to play Get Your Picture Taken either, but Evelyn tried!
And that's why you need to have it done! It's bad to be in such pain just trying to check out! And that lady seems a little over the top, you weren't holding anyone else up... Sigh...
The people I know haven't regretted the surgery, I think you'll be glad! But I can see your issue with trying to pick a date.
I love the table!
Getting my new knees was the best thing I could have done. Della, it was an easy rehab and it won't ruin your summer. My rotator cuff surgery and rehab was so much worse. I was going up and down stairs the afternoon of the surgery (so I could go home, where there were three stairs to the door). I only took Tylenol for pain. Attitude is half the battle. Make sure they give you the cooling machine because it works so much better than trying to keep ice in an ice bag. Just go for it and you will be so happy!
Hello, my sweet friend. You got me with your last few sentences. I cannot believe my last is fifteen. Where did all those days of little ones go??? I used to see the "older" women in the grocery store, all alone. And I felt bad for them as I pushed my cart with two inside and a couple more walking beside. Now, just like that, I am one of those ladies! Trust your gut with the surgery date. I see both sides, and may think September would be good so you would have the summer? Love seeing your beautiful family. Stay warm and cozy!
Hello Della!
I’m up early as it’s cardio rehab day 🥳🥳
Good for you for booking an appointment to get your knee done even if you have to postpone. It’s a really good start. I remember when my hubby had his first one……and second……the best piece of advice the doctor gave him was to be sure to take his pain meds 1/2 and hour before doing his exercises. This way you can do them properly. I’m sure you will be one of the people who will be thankful for having it done 🥰
I love your little end tables. The colour is perfect. The birthday party looks like fun! Gorgeous grandchildren Della!
Have a wonderful day. They are calling for a spring snow storm here! Oh goodie 😛
Marilyn from Canada 🇨🇦
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