summer 2011

summer 2011

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Monday, March 3, 2025

when a day off entails...

 ...making dinner for fifteen...:). I will say this though, as I rolled out the butter pie doughs for the chicken pot pies, Kathryn said, "You live for this, don't you?"  Yes.  Yes, I do.  I love having the kids here, and the grandkids.  

You know I am not a good planner, but I always have it in the back of my mind that Sunday dinner will happen.  So I had a package of fresh chicken breast.  Before leaving for church, I made six pie crusts, wrapped them up and put them in the refrigerator.  I had frozen mixed veggies, Evelyn was bringing a bag of potatoes, I had chicken broth.  

(To make these, I put two packed full baggies of chicken from the freezer into the dutch oven with some olive oil, started those cooking, then added the 4+ pounds of chicken breast, simmered it a while then the four 15 ounce cans of chicken broth...peeled and diced some potatoes, added them, then later the bag of frozen veggies.  Corn starch and flour whisked with cold water to thicken it up, then put it all in a big stainless steel bowl to cool down a bit while I rolled the crusts.  I decided to make two 13x9 pans and one round one, so they would all nestle into the oven together at the same time.  I always put each pie pan one a parchment covered cookie sheet, but this time just the round one went on a cookie sheet, and the two other pans fit nicely next to each other on the other shelf.  I made sure nothing was overflowing or sticking over the edges.

Just in case anyone cared.

Anyway.  On top, before going in the oven, some rosemary, and freshly ground salt and pepper.

Ahhh, that feeling of closing the oven door, and yay...time to sit down and have an afternoon coffee.

Margaret and I were accidentally matchy-matchy!  She got her dress for free when placing an order somewhere, I got mine for $11 at Kohl's.  
A fox in the back yard...

The kids were coloring, so Kathryn joined them.  :)

Ah well...I need to move it move it, have to put a load in the washer so I can pack for Norway, am leaving Wednesday morning, but hope to leave from the pool so I have to be ready...need to pack, but first have to wash some things...and now I need to be out the door in seven minutes and am sitting here in my have a wonderful day, and maybe my next post won't be so yawwwwwnnnnnnn.....

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