summer 2011

summer 2011

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Friday, March 21, 2025

still time to chicken out....'s not scheduled yet, but the dr. and I had a conversation today about knee replacement.  Apparently, I have Advanced or End Stage Osteoarthritis.  Dr. took a look at the x-rays from last summer, and shook his head.  I'm only 59, and a knee replacement only lasts so long.  My "bad" knee is killing me, but my good knee isn't much better.  I hesitate to rely on it to carry my weight.  It doesn't swivel or pivot or bend very well.    He did not offer to chop both my legs off and give me bionic legs.  But, he does do robotic surgery.  State of the art, he may or may not have said.

I told him I took four ibuprofen at two a.m.  He said, "Well I can't give you anything stronger than that."  I don't WANT anything stronger than that, I don't want to take anything!  I had to make it quite clear that I wasn't there as a drug seeker.  I have no interest in pain meds.  I just want my life back.  

See, I went out and about yesterday, was awful.  My knee started in, and the aching was so intense, I was almost in tears.  I simply couldn't bend the knee.  I could barely get in the car.  I was so thankful that Miss Char was driving on our adventure.  We picked up this:  

It's a double Bumbleride Indie.  The bassinet isn't clipped on properly yet, I had to order new clips for it.
It's in wonderful condition, I took all the fabric off and washed it, and wiped it down.

The stock photos, mine has only one bassinet.  

It is a $900 + stroller, the bassinet is a few hundred extra.  I got it for $75, for Kathryn.  

We went to Target afterward, so I could get Wulf a birthday present.  I could barely get through the store.  I actually sent the girls in to two other stores to get things for Sunday.  

By the time I watched an episode of The Great British Baking Show with Miss Char and Miss Cam, I was so tired, but despite falling right to sleep, I woke up in such pain...just deep deep aching, running up and down the leg.  It's been night after night of this, I have to do something!

Anyway. the surgical scheduler is going to contact me to set something up.  My take:  if I can get it right after we get back from Phoenix, I'll go for it soon.  If not, I'll wait until after summer...I think.  Evelyn and Abigail both have weddings in May, so I would have to be healed up for those.  And to have it done in June would mean no swimming for a long time, maybe most of the summer.  We can't have that, can we?  

Look at me, worrying about all the details already.

There are many'll be expensive, we have meh insurance.  There are risks.  I am semi-terrified of physical therapy.  I won't be able to drive for WEEKS.  blood clots, infection.   A lifespan of ten to fifteen years for the replacement.

But.  I do have to live my life now.   I would like to go to the zoo with the grandkids, walk around Walmart without crying, even get back to my walks down the road.  If it fails when I'm 70?  I can't worry about that, can I?  

Ah well....if you were to interview me at 3 a.m. when my aches and pains are screaming, I would say, Yes indeed, I'll do that replacement surgery at the earliest available timeslot.  

Me saying my prayers that I remember to say all the things I wanted to say, and that the dr. would listen to my concerns.
Me home in my chair, ahhh.

(Joint buckling sounds terrifying!)

Miss Charlotte Claire dressed for their Nordic night...
With Camille...:)

Ah well....Paul and I are home, watching basketball....have a good night!


Mari said...

You did great on that bumbleride!
I understand how you feel about a knee replacement but I bet you'll be so glad when it's done. My BIL had both done at the same time and healed well and quickly. I'm sure you'll let us know when you get a date!

Jan said...

Praying for God's guidance as you make decisions about your surgery!

Anonymous said...

I have had both knees replaced the recovery was difficult at times but the pain got better every day after the surgery. I am happy I had them done!

Judy said...

Della, please consider a jiffy knee replacement. My husband had such success. He played 9 holes of golf at 9 weeks post surgery. He was very mobile after two weeks. Icing is your best friend. Physical therapy is a must. It wasn’t bad at all and you must be diligent doing your exercises at home. Also, you need to do more Dr Google😂 as average longevity is 25 years for replacement. So wait until you’re 85 to worry 😉. Your life will be so much better, I’ve had both of mine done but not with a jiffy knee, so my recovery was longer. I also hate drugs so surgery is a wonderful solution.

16 blessings'mom said...

You guys don't know how much it means to me when I look at my blog and have these kind comments! The ortho does robotic replacements, supposedly an easier recovery because they're more precise. Judy, ha, I think I was reading "pros and cons of knee replacement", and that fact came up. In any case, I have to live now, and I'd rather walk now than when I'm 74, right? But 25 years sounds like a good deal. :). Thank you all for the encouragement! I need it, along with a swift kick....for a procrastinator like me, this is something that feels much better as a future consideration, but actually getting a. date, um, no. So thank you all.

michb said...

Prayers for you to receive the right treatment and have lasting relief , i know many people who have had excellent results ...God bless,

Terri D said...

I have both knees done (2019 and 2020) after 10 years of steroid shots. Best thing ever, getting new knees. My doctor said mine will last a good 20 years if not more. I'm older than you but am hoping I'm still walking well into my 80s. Home therapy for three weeks was really all I needed. Minimal pain but my ice machine was the best. It requires no ice... cold water circulates through. It was a "rental" unit that I used for both knees, 6-months apart. Keep them cold, for sure. When I went to my first outside therapy, the therapist asked me why I was there. Range of motion was great thanks to good home therapy. I only took Tylenol, even before therapy sessions. No pain drugs for me either. Keep us posted and I hope yours goes as well as mine both did. I don't regret it at all.

Anonymous said...

Praying for wisdom here, Della! Sorry you are in such pain:(