The top sanded off...
All primed, starting to put that Rosemary on...oh no! Do I LIKE it? Do I hate it? It looks like Army green, like camo, like pea soup....
The tops were sanded again after this picture, and another coating of satin clear oil coating...tomorrow I'll sand it again, and maybe add another coat.
In other news:
Oscar and Sonja are having a baby girl in the summer! (Remember I made that cake? Sonja had the gender results in an envelope, I made the cake while she stayed out of the kitchen...they cut it later when Oscar got here, and PINK!)
This fine day, I made it to the pool, ahhh, then came home to pick up Miss Cam and bring her to her cleaning job, then home...into the around-the-house/painting clothes to work on the tables a bit, a load of laundry, vacuum, then go pick her up again. We stopped at the hardware store in town for some longer screws for the pulls I already have for the table drawers, same as the kitchen cabinet ones (leftover!), and a nice brush for the oil application. The store is owned by Mennonites, and they are SO nice. It's in a super old building, with old creaky wood floors, always a fun experience to go in there.
Home...ahh, home. Back into the painting clothes and another coat of paint. Sonja came over, did some homework here. They made orange chicken and rice noodles, and solved the world's problems. I had leftover corned beef, red skinned potatoes, cabbage...fried up in the iron frying hash, I suppose.
Camille made brownies, then went to band practice. Char did her nails, Sonja did homework, and I didn't do much. Paul went to a Dream Theater concert tonight, Molly and Josh got him a ticket for Christmas. He went with them, and our son Joseph.
So I stayed home mostly today, and it was nice. It was very cold and damp today, perfect day to be inside and putter around. I'm looking forward to finishing the tables, getting the new handles on them, and putting the lamps back on them.
Ah well....three daughters here in the living room still, and silly nonsense goes on. We are all pretty excited about the new baby boy, and yes, his hair is precious! He's sweet and his siblings are over the moon.
Right about now I'm thinking about going to bed....ha, I'm old. :). Good night.
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