Here is Jonathan at the beach......
Here is Aaron with Camille (he saw me with the camera)
Here is the young and beautiful mom, tired and ready for the almost 2 hour ride home....
This is Molly , 14, with Charlotte Claire.....
Suzanne, Jon, and Sonja
I can't write her name, she'll kill me enough if she knows her picture's on here....
Here is another daughter who doesn't like her name on here.....isn't she pretty? She is only 11...
Samuel James needs a haircut....
Charlotte Claire used the playpen as a refuge when she got tired, she got in it quite a few times and rested.....then, near the end of the day, she climbed in with her bottle, and.....she had quite the sand mustache-beard thing, yummy.....
Jonathan never naps anymore.....but he did yesterday....I like the pink blanket.....
The girls were patient with me and let me take the carriage AND the playpen.....and I am so glad we did....Camille liked laying here looking at the trees and seagulls....and she took a few naps, too.
Charlotte Claire decided she liked to swim....the water was clear and warm, with the nice sandy bottom....she was Mom was mentally exhausted.....she just took those waves in the face, and laughed....she kept me on my toes....
Abigail holding Camille, Evelyn, Suzanne, Charlotte Claire and Sonja....
Kathryn Grace
Camille liked the water....but I kept her in the shade most of the day....she's too little for sunscreen...
Charlotte Claire was so cute...I accidentally packed pull-ups instead of swim diapers...she looked so funny.
She had so much fun....
Suzanne and Sonja
lots of shells to gather....
We pulled out at 10:20 am, and returned to the driveway at 10:18 pm....Sam wanted me to drive a bit slower to make it an even 12 hour trip...he was my co-pilot....and we had a lot of fun together......just leaving the house with the kids and the stuff is a story....Emily remarked how amazing it was that we were leaving by 10.....then she remembered that every time she went to brush her teeth, there was someone in the bathroom....then 3 or 4 kids decided they needed to go pee before we Sam decided he had time to make toast.....this is after I got everything and everyone loaded, at 10:20, complete with Sam's 3 pieces of toast with crunchy peanut butter....we left.....
On the way home, we stopped at McDonalds.....the kids had a list, and were taking orders for about 20 miles......"raise your hand if you want a double cheeseburger" took several times to get it right......they were allowed to get 2 things each, and I ordered a few fries for them to share....when we got there, I had to nurse Camille, so Abigail and Sam went in to get the food...several kids had to go to the bathroom, too.......the order got messed up (I wonder why), and they gave us several extra orders of fries....Abigail told the girl, and she said it was okay...did she feel sorry for us? We also got an extra sundae.....13 ice waters, because Charlotte Claire had a bottle......I can guess the van is still pretty trashy......
Lake Ontario is gorgeous.....just as nice as the ocean, without the crabs or salty water....too many rules at the State Parks, flotation devices, unless coast guard frisbee or ball, or dogs allowed on the beach....swim between the flags...with all that beach! and don't go beyond the ropes....not deep enough! Such a litigous (that isn't spelled right..)society.....ruins everything.....pretty soon, we'll only be allowed to look at the lake.....
awww man how fun does that day look. I just found out that we have a water park type thing here that has a beach also and that there is a mini beach about 45 minutes from here and then another beachy type waterpark thing about an hour away. Too bad all of those costs to get in but we are going to do at least one of those before the summer is out. Every other summer we have drove 7 hours south to the beach and catherine doesn't understand that no one has the money nor time off this summer to do it. But maybe she will be just as happy.
I also have 1000 breastfeeding questions for you. Will you email me at so that I can email you with them. I won't post them here lol.
:) Heather
At the local park we are only allowed to look at the water. Signs warn "no swimming" and some say there is an undertow. I'm not convinced but we stay out anyway. Up in Oswego the beach was covered with seaweed and stinky. Maybe it doesn't get that way at Fair Haven. I wonder if I'll ever get there?
Hi Martha. This time we went to Southwick Beach on the east side of the lake. The beach is much bigger than Fair Haven, more is beautiful. Have you been there? If not, it is worth every penny of gas money, and the time it takes to drive there...the sunsets from there are unbeatable....but I am biased, I practically grew up there, we had a camp down the beach from there...I just love it!
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