summer 2011

summer 2011

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Monday, July 9, 2012

you just never know how your day is gonna go....

Paul needed new pants. He is in really good shape these days, eating a Paleo diet mostly, and working out. So, on this sunny summer day, we headed out to buy some new pants. Kathryn and Suzanne, Paul and I. Target: just as I was immersed in cruising the clearance racks in the womens' section, he was done. Finished. No pants in his size in Target that he liked. We went through the register with the $6 tshirt I had picked out for myself, then went to Kohl's. I helped him look, again, nothing. Well, nothing in our price range. Next stop, Sears. Nah, nothing. I didn't even look at anything there. Except for dishwashers, we looked at those...ours isn't working well these days. They were pretty costly too. Next stop, BJ's for some fruits and veggies. Pretty uneventful, except for the phone call from Mali, saying she had accidentally put contact solution in her eye. It was the kind for deep cleaning the lenses...she did some real damage to her eye. Joseph kindly took her to the emergency room, as her eye felt like it was being stabbed, and she couldn't see out of it. I just don't like getting those calls....poor Mali, she is in some pain still. The hospital dr. gave her a prescription for drops, which we couldn't fill on a Sunday night, and recommended she see an eye doctor, noting that she may not regain full vision in that eye...but I am really hoping he is wrong.

Home...pool, ahh. Dinner time. Chicken on the grill, summer squash from the garden, tossed in olive oil and grilled, green beans from the garden simmered on the stove, fresh cherries, cantaloupe, chopped tomatoes with olive oil and basil...yum!

Mali and Joseph and Sam came back from the hospital, Mali with her eye hurting and running and aching.

Ashley came to visit with Baxter the border collie, Emily came over, Aaron came home from work and had the plate of dinner we saved for him.

Now, it is is almost midnight and a few of the girls are just starting a movie. Mirielle and Evelyn are a the new Spiderman movie.

I am tired, and hungry. Not really hungry, we had popcorn tonight, the yummy stovetop kind with lots of real butter. I love eating the half-popped kernels from the bottom of the bowl...

So I am not really hungry, but I want to eat. I want chocolate. I want ice cream. But I will behave and not have any.

Well, I shall head to bed, safe from ice cream temptations.

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