summer 2011

summer 2011

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Friday, January 25, 2013

never a dull moment, again...

This morning started out wonderfully. One of my dear friends, who has seven kids, called me. She was going to breakfast with A., who has eight kids. Would I like to go? Yes? She picked me up right after my last few kids got on the bus...

We had lots of coffee refills, and some fun conversation... I mean, we have 31 kids between us to talk about!:)...then we walked down the block a bit in the bitter cold, to check out a little thrift store. While I was choosing a set of four white coffee mugs and a handy-dandy tomato slicer, I got the phone call. Suri got hit by a car. Aaron sounded upset, said she was alive and walking but in some heavy-duty pain. Now, we don't just let her out to run by herself. Aaron was with her, but she didn't want to go back in when he did, so he went in without her. She usually comes knocking on the door within minutes. Not this time. He heard a giant yelp....whoever hit her didn't stop.

So.....I hurried home to bring her to the vet. She was shaking all over, and could barely move. She could get up on three legs, but not without wimpering and yelping. Joseph and Aaron were trying to devise a plan to get her down the deck steps and into the van without hurting her. Even though I hated seeing my puppy in pain, part of me took the moment to delight in seeing my big boys squatting there so tenderly trying to maneuver her onto a blanket. They both love that dog so much.

Anyway, to cut to the chase: she dislocated her hip, but the bone that goes into the hip socket is broken in two places, so...she needs surgery. Now, we don't really believe in spending lots of money on animals having surgery. But. This isn't just any animal, this is Suri! The vet showed me the xrays, explained the problem, and I almost fainted. He gave Suri some pain meds, and said we could leave for a while while he figured out a plan....Paul and I talked, and wondered if we should...ouch, it is hard to even say this, but should we spend so much money on a dog? Ouch. Hurts to say it, but. We wondered about her quality of life, ect. Anyway...after hanging around the small city with Joseph for a few hours waiting for the vet to call back, crying intermittently, worried and sad, joking darkly about what kind of dog to get next....the vet called Paul, and we decided to go ahead with surgery. It is complicated, but the vet thinks she will be fine and be able to walk again and live a good life.

So....she is spending the night at the vet. Tomorrow we will go pick her up....and keep her here until Tuesday, with medication. Joseph will let her move into his room and take care of her, he said. Then Tuesday, the vet will operate and hopefully get her get all fixed up.

Phew. I did not know one could love a dog so much, as much as I love Suri. I almost hate that I love her so much.


Mum said...

I am so sorry for your furry family member, Suri. I really hope she recovers quickly, and that you are all okay after such a stressful day. What lovely children you have who express such compassion.

Martha said...

Blah. Long ago my son's little dog got hit by a car. We didn't have to make any hard decisions as it was over so quickly. It was not one of my better birthday presents and I cried for weeks, both for my son and because I loved the stupid little dog so much.

When Jazz got hit it brought back all those old emotions. I couldn't watch her die and we took her into the emergency vet hospital late at night. They tried to talk us into surgery (pins in her leg and lots of money) but we had a second option because it wasn't a joint that was broken, but the upper front leg bone. She was only a year old when we had it amputated. I don't know what we would have done if that hadn't been an option.

Get well quick, Suri!

Anonymous said...

Long time reader, infrequent commenter. I had an elective surgery done on my lab 16 months ago when she tore a ligament in her knee. It cost almost 20 percent of my annual income. Now that she is fully recovered, I do not regret it at all! I had my doubts in the weeks and months after surgery when she wasn't healing as quickly as I wanted, but to see her run and play today is totally worth it. Plus, when Suri reaches the muscle building stage of rehabilitation, she will need lots of walks up and down hills, which will be good for both of you! I will be keeping Suri and your family in my thoughts.

Anonymous said...

I found your blog a while ago and I enjoy reading it. I have not left a comment before, but I have to on this post. I am so sorry about Suri. I know how you feel about spending the money on a "dog". But, somehow, they worm there way right into our hearts, They are our fur children, I love my Murphy so much!! Best wishes and prayers. Diane C. from Iowa

Cheryl said...

Oh dear, poor little thing. I'm glad she'll be okay, this would be, well, you know, otherwise. Hopefully the drugs will help her, too.

Tereza said...

Poor little thing:(

crzy4myfam said...

So sorry about Suri! Poor baby girl! We have made that choice before and choose to spend the money on her. She was worth it and lived 10 more very happy active years!

Melanie L said...

I can relate to your struggle over how much do you spend on an animal. I have no children, though, so my 2 cats are my "babies". One, Hatty who is 16 now, has been diabetic for 3 years. He has prescription food, and the other cat has to be on it too, because I can't keep them separate. There is insulin, syringes, periodic blood checks, and an occasional blockage. A couple times, the vet had Hatty get a glucose curve to see how much his blood sugar varied. I'm not doing any more of those because the only thing it would show is Hatty needs to be fed 3x a day instead of 2x, or get a smaller dose of insulin more often. Weekends, fine, but during the week, that ain't happening. I won't put Hatty through surgery so if the only reason for a test is to show he needs surgery, no way. Urinary blockages, well, ok, but if he had a tumor or growth, I'd have to say no. It's a heartbreaking dilemma. I love him so much, and I believe God gave me this kitty because I'm a good kitty mama. But financially wise, it's hard.

16 blessings'mom said...

Thank you for the kind thoughts and comments. I got up this morning and she wasn't here to come running when I poured my oats...she knows the peanutbutter comes next, and I always give her a taste. But knowing she will be coming home later makes it okay.

Rebecca said...

Aww, poor Suri--praying everything goes well with her surgery, and she is home tasting peanut butter soon! :)