summer 2011

summer 2011

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Monday, May 9, 2016

on my own in france....

This is me, happy to have survived my first solo outing in the village. I walked 3.48 miles, to the grocery store...there were too many chocolate choices:

(and Paul told me when I was packing that the chocolate there is the same as the chocolate here. I found THAT hard to believe. There's more Hershey's in sight, although we do have Lindt at home. I figured I'd be a fool to bring chocolate from home, it's the one thing that's fun to splurge on, while vacationing, especially in Europe.)

Here's what I bought for my lunch:

Spinach, strawberries, milk chocolate, and dark chocolate. I will try to save some of the chocolate for tomorrow. Try.

I walked to the store, then decided to take a detour through the park on the way back...but I got confused, and had to retrace my steps because I didn't want to get lost.

And I did get scared in the park. Paul and I walked there yesterday, and there were so many people! But yesterday was Sunday, and today...well, today it was quiet and lonely there, and I was all alone...there was a guy pushing a wheelbarrow, collecting garbage, and he was like ten feet behind me for what seemed like an hour, and oh country girl that I am, I got paranoid. Ha. Not terrified, just a little bit freaked out. I didn't pass another soul on the whole trip out of the maze of paths that makes up that park. I was glad to get back out onto the streets again, blending in like I belong here, ha.

I feel conspicuous when I pull out the cellphone and take a picture. I almost wish I had a nice camera with a strap around my neck, full-blown tourist. Then it would be understandable that I would be walking around taking photos, but when I pull out the phone and snap a pic of a house or a building, I feel like I'm doing surveillance or something.

It's raining this afternoon, so I am holed up in my room, but don't feel sorry for me. I just made a huge steaming mug of coffee, because we bring the electric pot with us, and the mini blender (to blend in some coconut oil, yum). I am trying to wait to taste the chocolate, but it's starting to call my name. I have a good book to read, and the window is open, the rain is drumming, and I want to take a nap. Maybe I will.

1 comment:

Jenea Wells said...

Looking good lady! I can only imagine how beautiful France is right now. I've always wanted to go but haven't been able to so far. One day hopefully. Enjoy it while it lasts!