summer 2011

summer 2011

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Friday, February 7, 2020

la la la la lah! snow day!!!!!

Yes!!! Paul is working from home, the four kids are here, all snowed in! We had a thick coating of ice, shimmering and slippery, then the temperatures dropped, and snow is piling on. The trees are just laden with snow, it's like being in a snow globe.

It was rather anticlimactic, I admit: I checked on my phone at 6:10 am, then fell back to sleep, confident that the kids are old enough to find out for themselves. It wasn't like the old days when the older kids were in school, or when I was in school, and we listened for the school to be announced on the radio, or turned on the t.v. and watched as they scrolled by on the bottom.

But, of course they didn't check themselves, got up and ate and got dressed, and right before the time the bus usually comes, they decided to check, as their Mom hadn't gotten up and they started to wonder.

So I have been up for hours, while they went back to bed and slept and slept and slept, ha. I did call to reschedule my mammogram, for April. April. Doesn't that sound lovely?

I am going to make them some waffles, they are going to play another game of Settlers of Catan. It was totally worth every penny to buy this game! It was at the craft store that's going out of business, for $25, it's usually like $40. It's nice to see them play together, and not just be playing video games or be on their phones. (In my humble opinion, social media/phones/online stuff is the absolute worst thing for young people! It steals their time, breaks down their confidence, because all the world's a sunny day, on Instagram! Not to mention the whole cesspool of bad-ness that's available, and the online predators, ect.)

So I gently steer them from spending too much time, I encourage and grill and pester them, because I love them.

I think we're going to go outside a bit later, again, I will have to pester and prod, ha. Inside is cozy, but I know it's much nicer to go out for a bit, THEN come inside, it's super cozy!

Yeah, so I'm thankful the dermatologist didn't find anything too dangerous on my skin, I forgot to mention that the ugly, scary, black spot on my lip is totally harmless. It's like a broken blood vessel, a Venus Lake, maybe from sometime a few years ago when I bit my tongue, I bit my lip to ha. I told her that as long as it isn't deadly, I don't care. The ouchie spray did leave some blisters on my forehead, cheek, and chest, so lovely.

I've promised them waffles, they say YES, right now, mom!!! So bye for now...

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