Suri and Sunny...Sunny is sick. She probably ate something she shouldn't have, and she was sick to her stomach several times yesterday. She started shaking, so I called the vet, and they so nicely added us on at the end of their late shift, so up there we drove at 8:30. Her temperature was a little low, her heart rate a little fast, she was dehydrated. She was infused with fluids and electrolytes, and given some anti-nausea meds. We have some special low-fat, mild dog food, and are giving her water frequently in small amounts. She still isn't herself, but hasn't thrown up since last night. If she starts to again, we'll have to bring her in for bloodwork and scans. So if you're a praying person, please pray for Little Miss Sunshine. She's so down, it's sad. She was such a sweetheart at the vet, too. She's a scaredy cat of strangers, but she was just so trusting and docile. We love her so much, and seeing her suffer is painful.
It is another beautiful day in the neighborhood...
Sometimes Paul and I wake up at the same time, and since he wasn't working from home today, he went into the bathroom first. I just put my robe on and came out to be with the little girls while they packed up their lunches and got some brekky, and got on the bus. (This morning, Cam made a travel mug of hot tea to bring with her, so cute!)(she said it was really cold in school yesterday, and she longed for hot tea.). So anyway, I put my coat and boots on, grabbed one glove from the mitten drawer, and went out to shovel a path for them. As soon as I got back into the house, the snow plow went by and made a new mound of snow for them to walk in, oh well.
Anne is coming over today, we plan to stay home. She loves to cuddle and read books. We read either ten or eleven books yesterday. Tomorrow, however, there will be chaos! Samuel is coming for the weekend with little Grant, from Virginia! Grace cannot accompany because she works on weekends:(. Sam likes to drive at night, less traffic, and Grant just sleeps. So he is leaving tonight, and will arrive in the wee hours of the morning.
So lots of family will be coming over to see Sam and Grant. We are having a gathering here tomorrow night, too, for the youth girls. So it will be busy busy busy. Then Saturday and Sunday, Sam will be going to a church conference, and I will be watching Grant! Paul is going ice fishing...and the school kids will be officially on winter break!
We are trying to decide if we can possibly afford to go to Norway again this summer. Plane tickets for Paul and I, Sonja, Jonathan, Char, Emily, Abigail, Ben and Ashley and kids, Mirielle...are all going. So I REALLY want to go. We have to figure it out soon and buy tickets before the price goes up.
Ah well. Anne will be here soon...
Hi Della! Poor Sunny 😔 I hope she’s getting better. I hate it when one of the dogs gets sick as you feel so helpless. She’s so sweet 💕 You will have fun with baby Grant and all the family tonight. Enjoy!!
Marilyn from Canada
So sorry for your pup being sick! I remembered you wrote that she ate 2 dozen chocolate chip cookies a few days ago, I'm sure its the chocolate that is making her sick. Im not a vet but dogs and chocolate are deadly and raise much havoc. The only thing that probably saved her was it wasn't pure chocolate. So maybe that???? Like I said, I'm not a vet but ... lol I hope its just that and nothing serious! We just went and looked at a pup.... and I couldn't do it. Losing ours not quite a year ago, my stomach just flipped when I was standing there the thought of another dog. I love to hard and hurt to long when something happens. It wasn't meant to be because a woman behind us came in and saw CC and the dog kissed her nose! LOL I said "he is your dog" and she was so happy! Happy ending anyways, and I Hope your pup gets her energy back! :)
Marilyn, I hope so soon, she's still not feeling well.
Rose, I did tell the vet about the cookies, it may well be the culprit. She ate those on the 8th, and started getting sick on the 11th, would it take that long? I don't know. She's drinking a little bit every hour or so, and eating a dog treat each time, with coaxing. She will not touch the canned food we got from the vet. I think she'll heal up, she's peeing properly and keeping the water and treats down. I hear you about not getting another puppy, it's just so hard to love them and lose them. And, they are also a lot of work!
Prayers for your sweet little sunshine. Why do they eat things that can harm them? Dogs....we love them so much, I’m sure they don’t even know it.
Enjoy all your family; sounds like you’re used to a full house so it’s gonna be great.
The snow! I can’t even imagine.
What a little lady you have taking hot tea to school. She’s a smart cookie.
Norway? That would be amazing.
Ours usually get sick after eating grass and twigs and leaves. Chocolate chip cookies could have done it, but those chocolate chips are low in the real stuff ........... but she did eat a lot 😬 Labs are a VERY greedy off switch. I hope she’s doing better Della 😔
Marilyn from Canada
Praying for Sunny 🙏❤️
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