summer 2011

summer 2011

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Saturday, November 20, 2010

is it crazy in here, or is it just me?

Paul and the older kids are working at the Dome. I am here with Mali, who feels awful, Samuel, his cousin Jake, Margaret who is not happy because I won't drive her 9 miles to her friend's house, then pick her up later with all the kids in the van, Kathryn, Evelyn, their cousin Olivia (sister of Jake), Suzanne, Sonja, Jonathan, Charlotte Claire, and Camille.

Today has been busy already.... I took Ben to a mandatory pre-sign in class with the Sargeant, went tanning, which I wish was 100% healthy, and free, because it is fun and it feels nice....(but I still am not very legs are still awful...oh well) anyway, then I went to Wegman's and wandered around by myself....I was tempted again by the thermal gravy pitcher, but reminded myself that it hasn't killed us to use the glass measuring cup for the gravy yet, so it isn't likely to in the future. I did get mozzarella cheese and tortilla wraps and crackers and celery and green peppers and two new glass pie pans. And another bag of stuffing cubes, Ben is afraid two bags won't be enough.

Now I am home. I have washed a load of towels, cleaned up a bit, and am taking a little rest.... dinner time is approaching, but I know what we are, again. I don't think I will hear any complaining about it though. Perhaps if I am feeling extra patient I will let them each have a small dough to roll out and make themselves....

Okay, I have totally taken leave of my senses to write about this, and girls of mine, I apologize in advance.....but, as one of you is known to say, "half of the population gets it, so too bad..." Okay, here goes....

1. Every month, girls between the ages of about twelve to somewhere in their forties, get their periods.

2. I won't say how many girls there are here who are afflicted with this monthly curse, but I will say that WE ALL GET IT AT THE SAME TIME.

3. This might be a good explanation for why we were ready to slap each other earlier in the week.

4. If you are the parent or sibling of several girls, please be awake and aware and remember that getting through these times without any murder IS possible, but it takes biting the tongue until bloodshed, and perhaps leaving the room a few times to save yourself from joining a war.

5. So....forgive, forget, and don't take the bait....the argument know, things like, "Mom, you never let ME wear those...", or "Mom, how come you ALWAYS have to say that?" is better to let them just get away with things during those times, then talk to them later....

6. It isn't all misery, after all - misery loves company, and company in these awful days is better than suffering alone.

7. Paul...poor Paul, is learning great patience through these trials.

And so now that my girls are going to kill me, I shall sign off and get into that kitchen....


Book Lover said...

Ha ha so true. My oldest daughter lived in a soriety house her first year of college and said by the end of the 1st semester, all the girls were on the same menstrual schedule. I only have 3 girls, so I can only imagine how much "fun" you must have every month. Enjoy
your Thanksgiving tomorrow!!

Kim Chrisman

PS: My offer still stands for Benjamin!

Martha said...

The monthly affliction... A good friend once told me that women who live together for any length of time are usually dealing with this little issue at the same time. Funny how that works, kind of like synchronizing watches, I guess...

16 blessings'mom said...

Kim, Ben doesn't know if he will be allowed to leave base or not, but he was very pleased when I told him of your offer. I will let you know how things work out. And Martha, we are really amazed how this works doesn't make any sense, yet it happens.

Darla said...

We just had our 7th days lie ahead it sounds like!