The girls were looking for something to do yesterday, I was busy preparing the chicken for dinner, so I suggested they decorate their room....Suzanne apparently loves cheese...

There are no words for this one.....


And Suzanne really got it right with this one....

And now for their photo shoot...this is what happens when they steal my camera...Margaret, who is teaching herself guitar.

Suze, Kap, and Sonja K. in the back

Kathryn, Evelyn, Suzanne, and Sonja

Kap and S.K.


I wonder what the neighbors think sometimes....

Charlotte Claire

Evelyn Joy





Kathryn Grace

evelyn and kathryn

Every time I go to grab my camera, it is missing. The thing is, I cannot say no to my kids, so if they ask me to use it, I will say yes, even though I don't want them to break yet another camera. But I hate it when I look and look, then find out they are having a huge photo shoot. If I had the time, I would have put all their photos up, they took one hundred thirty-five.
RRR, Rosie wants to play...and I don't.
I am distracted.....perhaps I will write later.
Hannah looked at the picture of Suzanne in the tree and said, "Yikes." The branch looks a little bit scary, I guess. (But the picture is cool.)
It is a beautiful sunny day. A good one to go out gallivanting if I didn't have to be home for little girls who get off the bus just after noon. Maybe I would even head out to that nice little Mennonite store just a bit east of here...
Looks like they had a lot of fun. They are beautiful girls :)
I LOVE seeing fun photos of your kids. Who cares what the neighbors think when you have such a house full of wonderful chicken?! I say you are one lucky Mama!!!!
"I wonder what the neighbors think?" They think FUN, I wish we did stuff like that!!
Same story here. As we speak, my camera is girls have become photographers and models as well, so these photo shoots look sooo familiar!:) They actually do such of a nice job and i know I wouldn't get so many good pictures and memories if I didn't let them...but I have the same struggle within here. I don't want our camera broken but can't really say no. :)
The pictures, btw, are beautiful. Such fun!
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