summer 2011

summer 2011

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

accomplishing things...

I appreciate when I accomplish things. That's one of the benefits of being one of those people who just don't have their act together. Some of the things I am happy about this chilly dark morning:

1. I have already washed a load of darks. I was inspired to do this because one of my sweet daughters was going to wear a pair of yoga pants to school that looked like one rolled around on the floor in them. Thankfully one of her sisters spied this and clued me in, as I was busy cleaning up the garbage Suri had gotten into last night since I forgot to put it in the dog cage. Yes, the dog gets to sleep on the couch, and the garbage gets locked in her cage. Anyway, I decided I would raid this daughter's room and get her jeans into the wash, bright and early. She changed into a nice skirt and leggings, by the way. Oh so cheerfully too, ha.

2. I cleaned up a nice big pile of doggy pee that went all the way under my chair. I found something to be thankful for while I moved my chair and sopped it up with half the roll of paper towels: Paul cleaned under all the furniture on Thanksgiving day, right before we went to the table to eat. I wasn't thrilled about it at the time, but he was looking for the tv remote, which is very important, so he thought he would pick up the hair clips and dirty socks and toy cars and sweep up the floors...okay, "wasn't thrilled" doesn't describe it. I was like, "Hon, I just did that a few weeks ago." He said, and ouch, "Well you didn't do a very good job." On Thanksgiving. Ouch. Yes, I was offended. In fact, later when he was finished, someone asked where Dad was and I replied that he was probably cleaning the bathroom. Then I asked the kids if they would please wash the windows, who cares if it's Thanksgiving. Then I realized he was just being nice, minus the comment about me not doing a good job, of course. I was being a real jerk. So I snapped out of it. Anyway, this morning when I had to move my chair to clean up the pee puddle, I was glad there were no dollhouse people or bobby-pins floating in it.

3. Yesterday, I wrapped most of the Christmas presents!!! Oooh, yah, ahead of the game for once! Sonja was home, so she helped me. We made piles of gifts, deciding who should get what. The three youngest have the biggest piles of course. Joe had no pile. I wrapped a pair of cheap earbuds for him. That's it. So I went online and ordered him something I hope he will like. Then I got my notebook out and wrote down what I got for each one in case we didn't get it all wrapped. When I got to Evelyn, shh, don't tell her this...there was no pile. I had forgotten to make her a pile. Don't feel bad, Ev, nothing personal, I always forget someone, this time it was you! And don't worry, I bought you something really nice... anyway, we got most of the stuff wrapped! And now I know exactly who I need to buy things for!

4. I took Jonathan, Charlotte Claire, and Camille to the pool yesterday. We met Abigail there. Since I did all the present wrapping, I had a hard time fitting in a work-out...I tried to escape to my room a few times, but kids needed me for important things. So I did like thirty wimpy push-ups, lifted my little weights for a few minutes, jogged in place, just a warm-up...then realized I had to get dinner prepared if I was I consoled myself that I was going to the pool.

5. The scale is creeping back down. This morning I was only 1.6 pounds more than my lightest weight.(in like 25 years, anyway) So I am re-losing, but still. I am going in the right direction.

And that is enough of that random stuff. Ha, as if. We are still considering our trip to the Dominican Republic, but not until March-ish, because of demands at work for Paul. He said that looking forward to it is the best part anyway, and I disagree. Okay, I sort of agree. I then suggested we go next week, which he said No to. Won't work. Month's End at work, he said.

So now I have a new goal, weight-wise. There is nothing like a looming trip to the warm part of the world to get me on track!

And since I like accomplishing things, I had better get my lazy rear out of this comfy chair and get moving. The darks need to go in the dryer, after the giant load of towels comes out, of course. And I can't just throw the towels on the couch, because the huge pile of socks is there, mostly matched.

I need to go to the store, again, because we are out of milk, bread, yogurt. I also ran out of wrapping paper yesterday. We also need more tape, and a package of tacks to hand up Christmas things. So off I go....

1 comment:

Cindy @ Marriedtothemilitary {dot} net said...

ha thats funny about that gifts and I am impressed that you are so far in your shopping. I I have one child that I have bought one thing for, and one child I have bought only stocking stuff for, and one child that I have only bought pajamas for, who also has a birthday coming up and always gets jipped in the gift department. Ugh. The big kids are the hardest.