summer 2011

summer 2011

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Saturday, December 8, 2012

some resolutions...

1. I will take more pictures. I will also learn how to load them onto Paul's computer...since my computer has died. I hate sharing with everyone, but a new computer just ain't on the list right now.

2. Listen to myself when I talk to the kids to make sure I am talking to them in a voice that I would want to be talked to in.

3. Make the most out of the days. A palliative care nurse wrote a book about the top regrets people have about their lives, as they are dying. Having kept their house cleaner was NOT on there.

4. Remember that being tempted does not obligate me to give in.

Last evening, I went shopping with Kathryn 14, Evelyn 13, Suzanne 11, and Sonja 10. Suzanne wore her rain boots, so she ran and skipped through the puddles. They were trying on clothes to wear to the Christmas Feast we are going to tomorrow in Canada. After two stores, losing my phone in the first store, discovering it was missing in the second store, returning to get it and buying a few more things...we stopped at the grocery store for milk and chicken and oranges. Can I just mention that those girls were full of it in that grocery store? They do this slapping thing that always starts out in good fun, but one girl will always at some point get slapped too hard, and get upset...voices rise, I tell them to Knock It Off. We are just kidding, Mom. Then they do that thing where they start throwing things in the cart. Then one wants to push the cart, and keeps bumping into one certain sister, just because. I let them pick out a donut, then when we went through the register I told the cashier to please not squish the donuts or the girls would cry all the way home...then I found out one of them goes to school with him.

Anyway, today is a home day. Paul and some of the older ones are going to the Dome, again, but I shall stay home and get ready for our little road trip tomorrow. We have to pack our lunches, and some nice clothes. The sick kids seem to be better, hopefully no one else will get it.

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