summer 2011

summer 2011

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Thursday, June 27, 2013

giving blood...

For years and years I was pregnant and nursing and busy and didn't even consider giving blood. Paul has always been a regular donor, and Emily has done pretty well giving too. I have only done it once so far, in these years of relative calm, now that my youngest is five years old....and it wasn't too bad. Getting my fingers pricked to test for iron levels was the absolute worst part, although I wasn't too big on climbing on to the unstable-feeling portable cot. Getting the needle in my arm was nothing compared to worrying about how I was going to get back up OFF that portable cot, which didn't turn out to be that terrible. That day, Mirielle didn't fare too well. We were all done giving blood, sitting happily at the after-snack table, choosing some animal crackers and juice, and I looked over at her...uh oh! She was pretty gray. And, she was going down! A nice nurse named Carlos came to save her, got her lying down and relaxing for a bit. It wasn't really funny, but...

Anyway, she is such a trooper, she still gives blood even though that sort of thing always happens to her. Today, she and Margaret are going with me to Paul's work to donate.

Margaret is only 16, and hasn't given before. She asked me what it was bad, and I said, "Margaret, I have had 17 kids. Giving blood is nothing." ha. I explained that the first thing that's done when one gets admitted to the hospital is that visit from phlebotomy...and that was always the least of my worries. Anyway, I told her it is no big deal. Just a little prick, and a few minutes to lie back and relax. I do try not to look though:)

Last night I took a nice long walk with two friends, which was really enjoyable. Talking and walking makes it go fast. This morning I made it to the pool again, too. Half an hour of swimming and treading water.

Oh my goodness we had some fun yesterday. I was planning on going out and about, or oot and aboot, as Jonathan says. The little kids seemed to want to get out...but by the time I got ready to go, they were so happily playing, they decided not to go. Jon was playing cards with Evelyn, who is the world's best babysitter (she made them Ramen noodles for lunch). The little girls were totally engrossed in playing Barbies, their whole room was set up. So I went with Mirielle, Margaret, Kathryn, Suzanne, and cousin Olivia. First stop: Timmy Ho's. I have decided I like iced coffee, so I ordered a large with sugar-free caramel and cream. By the time we ordered all six drinks, we were silly. The kid was handing Marg (yeah, she was driving. That is a whole other story.) the drinks as she passed them back to Mirielle with her other hand...she was saying to Mirielle, "um, come on, come on!", trying to get her to take the drinks quicker...the drive-through guy thought she was talking to him, it was too funny. Plus, I blew my straw wrapper at Margaret, well, in her general direction, it hit the drive-through window just as he was opening it again to give us another drink. That was also too funny. Margaret declared that we are never going there again, as we drove away laughing.

Yeah, my 9th child is driving. She is an excellent driver. The last few times we went out, I hardly had to tell her anything, and best of all, here and there I would actually relax and forget to be scared for my life.

Ah well, my time to sit here in my comfy chair has come to an end. I need to do a few things here before heading out the door to give blood....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I would actually relax and forget to be scared for my life. That line made me laugh out loud. Any mother of a new driver can relate to that.