summer 2011

summer 2011

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

roughin' it a little....

So our internet has been out for a few days, making ordinary things like blogging and reading news...impossible.

I kind of liked it, really. Yesterday the kids had a snow day, it was so so freezing cold and windy, it was dangerous to be outside with any exposed skin. So we had a cozy day with no computers, no Netflix. We had gone to the library on Monday, I have read both my books already.

We have a friend who went to Winnipeg for Christmas. He was supposed to fly back in last Thursday, flight cancelled due to weather. Ditto Saturday's flight. Then Tuesday's flight. So this morning, he missed his flight. Tried an afternoon flight, didn't fit on it. So tomorrow morning, we shall hopefully retrieve him from the airport. Today, we spend a few hours in the suburbs, waiting to find out if he made that afternoon we spent our time wisely, going to Chinese for lunch. Mali and Kathryn, Jonathan and I. Oh, black pepper chicken and sesame chicken and hot and spicy chicken....only a teaspoon of rice for me, but that chicken is SO bad, yet so yum.

Anyway, home home again, to wash bedding and clean up the house and wash a few dishes and make some dinner....normal life. Now however, we have internet again! The nice man from the phone company figured it out, and we have some happy kids. Margaret is taking an A.P. class, and really needs to look things up online.

Samuel leaves in 42 days. Paul leaves again for France again for a few weeks next Saturday. Life is moving along. Sometimes I feel such profound sadness amidst all this blessing, because I have all these children...and I can't exactly explain it, but some of them have these battles, these plights, these things that only they can stand up against. Things that aren't for me to discuss, but things that I see and just hope they take rightly. They aren't perfect, these children of mine. No angel flesh here. Yet I know that God can do miracles, He can soften hearts, He can strengthen and uphold, He has made us a way out of suffering the consequences of sin. I just hope and pray that all of my kids find rest for their souls. I suppose it is very similar to how it is for God, He made mankind, gave everything He could give, them freedom to choose whether to serve Him or to flounder around in the darkness.

In all these thoughts I have, I do know this: life isn't meant to weigh me down. I can't control everything, I can only do what I can do, then be at rest. No matter what my kids choose in life, I will love them to pieces. No matter what.

Suri is doing much much better since her despair over losing that puppy. She still likes her stuffed animals, and to wash and love the kitty, but she seems like her normal self again. I am glad she has Duke, they play and then flop down together, they are friends. Duke likes the kitty too, which is just so hilarious to me. Jon will drop Kitty right on Duke, and he will just raise his invisible eyebrows and let his tail thump a few times. Duke is a tail thumper. Just say his name, and he will thump. He loves people more than treats, which I can't say for Suri. She is an amazing dog, she is kind and sweet, but she is more of a begger and not quite as snuggly as Duke is.

Anyway. Time to put some chicken in the oven....I am not hungry at all, but people here still need to eat:)


Martha said...

Your post was a comfort today. Our kids aren't perfect and we've had (and still do have) plenty of stuff here that isn't for the blog. I am blessed to see God working though, softening hearts and healing deep wounds. Things aren't where they need to be and I'm not sure where we're headed, but we're on our way.

Anonymous said...

That was one of my biggest struggles as a mother (and still is when everyone is home from college): cooking when I don't feel like eating!
