The coffee is hot, the feet are up, but not for long. Wulf is coming over! His mama has a big project/assignment/whatever, for work, and Wulf is a teeny bit distracting. He is a busy little boy, my grandson Wulf. He doesn't care much for toys, he'd rather see what's in the cupboards! He is always finding something he cannot have, and he doesn't walk slowly and carefully, like Grandma tells him to. He can now climb up onto couches, which brings whole new possibilities of falling and hitting his head, but he doesn't think about that, no sir, he just runs across the couch, perilously near the edge, and tries to climb into the abyss between the couch and my chair.
You can try to Wulf-proof your house, but he will still find the bobby-pins and pennies.

Abigail and Wulf...
Yesterday, I stayed home all day. It was a gloriously beautiful one, too. The sun shone, a few nice clouds would sail by in the breeze, it was so warm the pool was bathwater, 86 degree water in that pool. Abigail came over, then Margaret with Wulf. We swam and lounged on the floats, passing the day away. We rested in the house for a bit, Wulf took a fantastic nap, then went back in the pool after grilling burgers.
Oh, I almost forgot, the losing weight thing:
It's hard! The scale isn't budging too much, but I hope it will soon. I've been doing mostly one meal a day, but yesterday afternoon I had some chicken around 4:00, then dinner around six, which was just a burger and a half, no bun, and some pickles, plus some raspberries from the yard with a big spoonful of crunchy peanut butter, and sprinkled with a bit of heavy cream.
Today I will mix it up a little maybe and try to fool my metabolism, ha.
My cravings for junk have mostly gone, but the other day I found myself thinking it might not be a bad idea to just go ahead and eat an entire bag of Cheetos. Why do we have a bag of Cheetos in the pantry? I ultimately came to my senses and didn't open them to eat just one, because we all know how that would have gone.
I am not shaky during the day with fasting, and that alone is a huge thing for me. I used to get so shaky and I would HAVE to eat. Now I can leave the house in the morning, just with coffee, and not HAVE to eat until dinner. It makes life easier, and I am calmer, which I never would have believed.
Magnesium and Potassium and fish oil I take, and sometimes a little bit of sea salt in water, to keep those electrolytes balanced.
I've tried a lot of things, to lose this weight. You may think I'm just vain, but it's not that. It's hard to function when you're heavy, and I'm thinking of my knees, too. (One more thing, my knee has been so much better with this new way of eating! It's not perfect, but it's not giving out on me when I just walk across the room, either!). I'm thinking of my liver, and of the specter of type II diabetes, which seems to run in my family.
Well, Mr. Wulf has arrived, so bye for now!!!!
1 comment:
Good morning 🌞🌞 Good going with the weight loss.........hang in there it will come. Your body is hanging onto the weight for a’s gone into starvation mode.........but then it will drop. Slow and steady. It took me about 10 months to lose 37lbs, but I’m keeping it off and you will too. I did mine on Weight Watchers. I feel SO MUCH BETTER!! The other day I tried to lift the 30lb bag of dog food and could hardly lift it off the floor. Amazing that I carried more than that around all the time. You can do it too! Little Wulf will keep you in your toes today!! Who needs exercise when you have a baby boy there to watch 🤣 Boys are so much different than girls I’m sure you’ll agree..........I only had girls and when one of them had a boy.....oh my........he was a going concern, and then my other girl had 2 boys. Rough and tumble and BUSY! Well you have fun today Della 😳
Marilyn from Canada
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