We stayed home all day yesterday, it was a little preview of autumn, with the chill in the air. Charlotte Claire and Camille had their friend Amanda come Friday night and spend the night, so they were busy playing Wii race games and Monopoly. They played with Grant too, he brought his Dr. Seuss books with him, and he likes to be read to, thank you. They way he just brings the book, like it wouldn't enter his mind that one wouldn't read it to him.
It's obvious he has been parented well, and that makes my heart just swell with thankfulness. Sam and Grace might be young, but they're doing a good job. Grant is so well-adjusted and sweet.
And today, we're going to the beach! Our suits and towels are packed, sugar-free seltzer waters are in the refrigerator, ready for the cooler. The girls packed themselves, and Grant, lots of snacks last night. We'll try to remember the stroller, and his sippy cup, and the beach toys. I felt a bit rusty, but taking care of Grant yesterday was like slipping into well worn Birkenstocks. A poopy diaper? not a big deal.
These two will be disappointed they can't go to the beach. For one, they won't fit in Emily's car, and for two, dogs aren't allowed on the beach, not in state parks in NY state. We got away with it at Cranberry by keeping them out of the swimming area, and tying them up in the grassy area where they are allowed, after they tired out from swimming and fetching the stick. They are Labs, they love water, but unfortunately, not everyone loves dogs, and not everyone would clean up after their dog, so no dogs on the beach.

They were good when we were camping. They were off-leash most of the time and just stayed in the camp site. They tend to be people oriented, instead of the running away and exploring types. Sunny DID run up and start barking at a girl walking a Golden Retriever, so we had to tie her up for a bit. She prob just wanted to play, but still.
They did whine when they were tied up, which was annoying, but they are spoiled brats, and not used to being tied up.
Last evening we did pack up Grant, and with the girls, went to visit Paul's mom. She turned ninety on Friday. She still drives, and lives by herself here in the summer, and in Florida in the winter. She still does cross stitch, she gave me two new ones for my birthday. I want to be like her when I grow up.
I think I might hear someone waking up....
I attempted to have my grand doll spend the night on Friday, but she will not go to sleep in my house for some reason. I am not sure why as this was here home for many months. She generally doesn't nap here either. It concerns me to a point, but since she is just next door it makes it easy for her to go home. This young man seems to be very content at your house!
Grant looks so sweet! What a blessing to have so many kids & now grandkids! I am so excited that my first grandbaby is due in February:) I mean, I love being a mom but I think being Grandma will be even better:)
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