Lake Ontario: just gorgeous.

A beautiful day at the park!

Grant with Grampa (Paul), and with his daddy (Sam).
Today, we did go out and about again. Sam is doing Army training, he unexpectedly had the day off yesterday, so we went on a little adventure. Today he's gone, so we packed up little Grant and went to the small city. We had a birthday gift to find for a special little girl who turned 14 (Miss Danielle!, the girls' bestie, and cousin). We also found new insulated lunch bags for Char and Cam, as they are returning to public school this year, and already have Bento boxes for their lunches. We found an outfit for the baby boy that Kathryn and Darius are expecting in December, and a tiny little sleeper for the baby girl that Mali and Josh are having in January, Lydia is getting a sister! I also got a cute outfit for Grant, and one for Wulf.
And then the dollar store, for a few odds and ends like highlighters for school, and a bag of chips. Then to the tractor store for a big bag of grain-free dog food, and ahh, home.
It's a chilly, overcast, windy day, and I am having a coffee with some sugar free pumpkin spice. It's no Dunkin Pumpkin Swirl, but it'll do. Suzanne is making cake balls with Charlotte Claire and Camille.
Tonight, to the airport to pick up Sonja from Germany. Tomorrow morning, to the airport again to pic up Kathryn and Darius, who are visiting for a week from Oregon. Tomorrow the younger girls have physicals, so off to the small city again, in the afternoon. Then, on Thursday, a check up for Sonja at the orthopedic surgeon, AND middle school orientation at the same time. There's only one of me, so I'll have to get clever. Maybe Kathryn can bring the girls to school.
Thursday night we're having the whole family over for dinner, pulled pork nachos. Last week when I was going to make those, I didn't get the pork on time, so we had burgers and hot dogs grilled.
Last night, we had local corn on the cob, left-over grilled burgers warmed up in bacon grease, served with tomatoes from the garden, and bacon, and, I made some Keto buns, which came out really nice. (Almond flour, mozzarella cheese, cream cheese, eggs, bacon powder, and topped with melted butter, salt and pepper, a little Italian seasoning...then baked...mmm.). I don't eat buns anymore, just the burger on the plate with a fork, and I just craved a burger with a bun.
Tonight, I'm grilling a few steaks, and making some veggies, keeping it simple. Maybe I'll make some rice for the kids, too. I'll toast one of the Keto buns maybe....
Anyway, life is busy yet not terribly busy. I keep going, but it's certainly not like it used to be. Grant keeps me hopping! He's super easy going, but he's still a small child who likes scrambled eggs for brekky, and needs his diaper changed, and likes stories read to him. It's actually very nice to have him here.
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