summer 2011

summer 2011

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Paul and I, all 16 kids and Ashley, Benjamin's wife...Christmas 2012

Sunday, November 11, 2012

happy veterans' day, happy birthday benjamin

This should be a short post, because it is absolutely gorgeous outside here in central New York state. Almost 60 degrees already. My silly little princesses are using the leftover birthday balloons to make boobies.

So many little details to chat about, but today I will keep it short. I will mention that I received a call from Benjamin yesterday while working at the Dome. He was very excited: he was leaving the country of Afghanistan, Happy Birthday to him!!!!

He grew up with the day off from school each year, but this year, Veteran's Day being his birthday is more meaningful. His deployment is over, he is headed home, and I don't ever want a son or daughter fighting in a war again. Not that I was terrified the whole time, but there was the underlying stress, the fleeting thoughts that went through my mind when the phone rang, the apprehension when there were stretches of days when we didn't hear from him....and of course there is that knowledge that my innocent son SAW things, experienced things, has things to deal with...

Anyway, he called to say he may be in Washington State BEFORE Tuesday, which is when Paul and I get there. Don't Worry About It, I told him. Ashley will be there to meet him, if we aren't there when he gets off the plane, it will be okay. I would LOVE to be there for it, but...I told him to just enjoy his birthday, enjoy his flight, his last bit of vacation..ha. (I googled "military airline flights from Afghanistan", and um, not very vacation-ish).

Anyway, out for my walk....

1 comment:

Chet and Ashley said...

Happy birthday to your Benjamin! Many thanks for his sacrifice!