It was too much work for too little money, but it was nice to be out in the community and see some people I haven't seen in a while. The little girls enjoyed it, for a while anyway...being at the bazaar. Will we do it again? No. But ask us when we forget a bit about how much time and effort we put into it. It WAS fun.
And, there is leftover fudge, which my teenage daughters are raiding.
Tonight, I am going to a party! I rarely get to to to parties, so yay yay yay! It's at Emily's house, which is also Mirielle's house, in town. I am bringing a big bag of pistachio nuts, some mini peppers, and some leftover fudge.
And no surprise, I feel guilty. I was gone all day, never mind that I had the younger girls with me, I still felt the pull of home. Now I am leaving all these kids with Daddy and going out to be with the 25 and up girls:) I took a trip to the small city between the bazaar and home, even though it's out of the way, to buy chicken wings to make for dinner before I leave, you know, appeasing the conscience and all, but guess what? The daughter who was with me grabbed two 10 pound bags of boneless skinless chicken breast instead of wings...and this mom didn't notice until I opened the bag and poured it on the baking sheet and...what? So they are having chicken, fresh rolls, and veggies.
Ah well. Life is good.
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